List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12145 An assessment of the potentials for community based conservation of Chocolate Hills, Bohol province, Philippines environmental science community based resource management Chocolate Hills ecotourism Bohol province

Cruz, Fleurdeliz A.


11952 An assessment of the productivity and utilization of UPLB Forestry graduates, 1931-1974: an investment approach community development Forestry Graduates investment Philippines

Rebugio, Lucrecio L.


1166 An assessment of the prospects of a local vaccine for infectious coryza in poultry. vaccine market coryza poultry growers cost and return analysis

Elazegui, D.D.

book working paper no. 01-06

11558 An assessment of the secondary teaching certificate in agriculture program in Thailand. agricultural education agriculture program Thailand

Sawrasak Nanan


12389 An assessment of the undergraduate program in agricultural education of State Colleges and University in Region III. agricultural education undergraduate program Region 3

Bundit Ieamkheng


8340 An assessment of the University of the Philippines Los Baños BS Human Ecology Academic Program. human ecology curriculum tracer study employability of graduates

Sandalo, Ricardo M.

serials journal of human ecology

9071 An Aurora, Isabela farmer and his money-making ampalaya. ampalaya Bagcal Isabela

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

3250 An E-mail network for NTFS members? Communication E-mail

Hoenig, J.; Garcia, S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

6319 An easy way to germinate sago palm seeds found. sago tissue culture

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

9303 An eclectic agritourism destination. Paradizoo The Power of Three theme park Cavite vegetable farm flower garden

Veneracion, Angie M.

serials agriculture magazine