ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12145 | An assessment of the potentials for community based conservation of Chocolate Hills, Bohol province, Philippines | environmental science community based resource management Chocolate Hills ecotourism Bohol province | Cruz, Fleurdeliz A. |
theses |
11952 | An assessment of the productivity and utilization of UPLB Forestry graduates, 1931-1974: an investment approach | community development Forestry Graduates investment Philippines | Rebugio, Lucrecio L. |
theses |
1166 | An assessment of the prospects of a local vaccine for infectious coryza in poultry. | vaccine market coryza poultry growers cost and return analysis | Elazegui, D.D. |
book | working paper no. 01-06 |
11558 | An assessment of the secondary teaching certificate in agriculture program in Thailand. | agricultural education agriculture program Thailand | Sawrasak Nanan |
theses |
12389 | An assessment of the undergraduate program in agricultural education of State Colleges and University in Region III. | agricultural education undergraduate program Region 3 | Bundit Ieamkheng |
theses |
8340 | An assessment of the University of the Philippines Los Baños BS Human Ecology Academic Program. | human ecology curriculum tracer study employability of graduates | Sandalo, Ricardo M. |
serials | journal of human ecology |
9071 | An Aurora, Isabela farmer and his money-making ampalaya. | ampalaya Bagcal Isabela | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3250 | An E-mail network for NTFS members? | Communication E-mail | Hoenig, J.; Garcia, S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
6319 | An easy way to germinate sago palm seeds found. | sago tissue culture | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9303 | An eclectic agritourism destination. | Paradizoo The Power of Three theme park Cavite vegetable farm flower garden | Veneracion, Angie M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |