ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9097 | An intensive organic lettuce farm in Cavite. | lettuce Cavite vegetables greenhouse horticulture | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8258 | An intervention study using cognitive conflict to foster conceptual change. | intervention cognitive conflict foster | Tuck-Choy F. Chow; David F. Treagust |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
661 | An introduction to agricultural engineering | farm equipment angles areas speed ratio power measurement irrigation water measurement land survey water runoff animal waste management | Roth, L.O.; Crow, F.R.; Mahoney, G.W.A. |
book |
1898 | An introduction to coastal resource management for local government officials and community organizers. | coastal resource management monitoring evaluation planning legislation research protected areas resource generation community organizer fisheries code | book |
15 | An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia. | human ecology farming systems South East Asia ecosystem rain forest agroecosystems human population | Rambo, A.T.; Sajise, P.E. (eds.) |
book |
10510 | An introduction to inorganic chemistry. | nuclear properties polyatomic molecules aqueous solution reduction oxidation non-aqueous solvents hydrogen alkali metals metals elements | Housecroft, Catherine E.; Sharpe, Alan G. |
purch |
2179 | An introduction to resource valuation : The Philippine context. | environment government policies environmental deterioration economic growth resource depletion resource valuation cost and benefit analysis | book |
680 | An introduction to seed technology | seed quality seed industry harvesting drying germination processing agronomy pollination certification legislation moisture content | Thomson, J.R. |
book |
9989 | An introduction to strategic management: concepts and cases. | strategy formulation strategy analysis marketing finance accounting research and development MIS strategy evaluation case analysis external assessment internal assessment | David, Fred R. |
purch |
16502 | An introduction to sustainable aquaculture | aquaculture; sustainability; environment; climate change; economics; fisheries; value chain analysis; bioeconomics; uncertainty; food security; employment; animal welfare; governance; technologies | Penalosa Martinell, Daniel; Vergara-Solana, Francisco J.; E. Araneda Padilla, Marcelo; Aranceta Garza, Fernando (Eds.) |
purch |