List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9097 An intensive organic lettuce farm in Cavite. lettuce Cavite vegetables greenhouse horticulture

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

8258 An intervention study using cognitive conflict to foster conceptual change. intervention cognitive conflict foster

Tuck-Choy F. Chow; David F. Treagust

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

661 An introduction to agricultural engineering farm equipment angles areas speed ratio power measurement irrigation water measurement land survey water runoff animal waste management

Roth, L.O.; Crow, F.R.; Mahoney, G.W.A.


1898 An introduction to coastal resource management for local government officials and community organizers. coastal resource management monitoring evaluation planning legislation research protected areas resource generation community organizer fisheries code book

15 An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia. human ecology farming systems South East Asia ecosystem rain forest agroecosystems human population

Rambo, A.T.; Sajise, P.E. (eds.)


10510 An introduction to inorganic chemistry. nuclear properties polyatomic molecules aqueous solution reduction oxidation non-aqueous solvents hydrogen alkali metals metals elements

Housecroft, Catherine E.; Sharpe, Alan G.


2179 An introduction to resource valuation : The Philippine context. environment government policies environmental deterioration economic growth resource depletion resource valuation cost and benefit analysis book

680 An introduction to seed technology seed quality seed industry harvesting drying germination processing agronomy pollination certification legislation moisture content

Thomson, J.R.


9989 An introduction to strategic management: concepts and cases. strategy formulation strategy analysis marketing finance accounting research and development MIS strategy evaluation case analysis external assessment internal assessment

David, Fred R.


16502 An introduction to sustainable aquaculture aquaculture; sustainability; environment; climate change; economics; fisheries; value chain analysis; bioeconomics; uncertainty; food security; employment; animal welfare; governance; technologies

Penalosa Martinell, Daniel; Vergara-Solana, Francisco J.; E. Araneda Padilla, Marcelo; Aranceta Garza, Fernando (Eds.)
