List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11523 Analysis of the contribution of the different extension methods to the productivity of farmers growing rice. agricultural economics farmers rice Malaysia

Ragavan Rajoo


15892 Analysis of the fintech landscape in the Philippines financial technologies; fintech; demand; government; academe; SWOT analysis

Quimba, Francis Mark A.; Barral, Mark Anthony A.; Carlos, Jean Clarisse T.

book pids research paper series 2023-01

12129 Analysis of the formulated objectives of selected non-formal education (NFE) training educational management non-formal education Indonesia

Vivi Martiyani


9138 Analysis of the genetic population structure of Cacopsylla chinensis (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) with mitochondrial DNA markers in Saga and Yamaguchi ... insect pest cytochrome oxidase molecular phylogenetic analysis pear psyllids populations genetics

Hiroshi Katoh; Hiromitsu Inoue; Nami Uechi; Takashi Fujikawa; Shin-ichi Miyata; Takashi Kumashiro; Toru Iwanami

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12357 Analysis of the Indonesian transmigration model and some policy implications for extension. extension education transmigration model policy implications

Aleh Human Saleh


12697 Analysis of the lychee industry competitiveness and Good Agricultural Practice (VietGAP) in Bac Giang province Vietnam. lychee industry farmers production postharvest marketing practices prices

LeThi Thanh Loan


14362 Analysis of the nutritional composition of aquatic species toward nutritional improvement in a Lao PDR rural area food; aquatic animals; fish; shellfish; nutritional value; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; rural area

Fujita, Kaori; Saito, Masataka; Vongvichith, Bounsong; Hasada, Katsumi; Boutsavath, Philavanh; Mahathilath, Xaypunya; Morioka, Shinsuke

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

16140 Analysis of the operational constraints of the rice value chain in Ayeyarwaddy Region, Myanmar rice; constraint analysis; value chain; Ayeyarwaddy Region; Myanmar

Linn, Thuzar; Maenhout, Broos

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16296 Analysis of the Philippine chicken industry: Commercial versus backyard sectors meat production and consumption; commercial production; backyard production; market instability; policy implications; chicken industry; Philippines

Chang, Hui-Shung

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

9116 Analysis of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation's Individually Paying Program. health insurance health care individually paying program

Silfverberg, Denise Valerie

serials philippine journal of development