List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9452 APAARI on CD Version 2004. agricultural research agriculture food and nutrition security environment natural resources technology policy advocacy cd

4398 Apahap as gourmet feast. seabass finfish fishes fishery production

Tacio, H.D.

serials agriculture

3097 APEC Workshop on Innovative Agricultural Technology Transfer and Extension System for Enhancing Productivity and Competitiveness in APEC Member : Economies. agricultural technology transfer agricultural development rural innovation agricultural extension ICT book

895 Aphid antagonists : Proceedings of a meeting of the EC Experts' Group Protici, Italy, Nov 23-24, 1982 biological control aphid predators aphid parasites entomopathogenic fungi aphid antagonism

Cavalloro, R. (ed.)


13630 APN Science Bulletin vulnerability; biochar; sustainable soils; adaptation; climate change; potato; ecosystem; information management system; forestry; livelihood; food security; crop development; water; basin; river management system development; rice cultivation; biodiversity; coastal zone management; greenhouse gas; resilience; rice terrace farming system; mangrove; global environment change; marine; drought monitoring system; biodiversity management; global change mitigation; governance; accountability; agroforestry; conservation; deforestation; biomass

Shrestha, Madan Lall; Sri Adiningsih; Stevenson, L.A.


4949 Apo Reef Natural Park, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines : Profiles. Profiles. Protected area serials asean biodiversity

696 Apomixis and its role in evolution and breeding apomixis evolution breeding maize strawberry apple bread wheat pollen sterility cytology chromosome morphology diploidization parthenogenesis

Petrov, D.F. (ed.)

book russian translations series no.22

733 Apomixis: exploiting hybrid vigor in rice Oryza sativa rice apomixis hybrids flower development Allium tuberosum Arabidopsis thaliana

Khush, G.S. (ed.)


15012 Applicability of water level monitoring system and water level estimation system to tank cascade in Sri Lanka disaster prevention; heavy rainfall; small earth dam; storage function method; flood

Izumi, Akira; Hori, Toshikazu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

10826 Application for field trial of papaya transformed with resistance to papaya ringspot virus disease : Malaysia's draft field trial appication. papaya ringspot virus transgenic papayas biotechnology risk assessment agrobacterium tumfaciens T-DNA biotech isaaa briefs no. 11