List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10829 Application for field trial of papaya transformed with resistance to papaya ringspot virus disease : Thailand's draft field trial application. papaya ringspot virus transgenic papayas biotechnology Thailand biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

7594 Application of admitted lie group for stochastic differential equations. stochastic differential equations determining equation lie group of transformation

Atipong Mahanin; Boonlert Srihirun

serials the kasetsart journal

4070 Application of agar gel diffusion test to the diagnosis of fasciolosis in cattle and buffaloes in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. animal health liver fluke rumen fluke serological test zoonosis herd diagnosis

Linh, Bui Khanh; Thuy, Do Thi; My, Le Ngoc; Sasaki, Osamu; Yoshihara, Shinobu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

2432 Application of agrometeorological information for optimizing agricultural production. climate impact assessment agroclimatic classification crop yield assessment pest and disease book book series no. 86/1990

13774 Application of analytic hierarchy process and GIS in landslide vulnerability assessment of Matutinao Watershed, Cebu, Philippines: A case study anchored on the climate change framework GIS-assisted approach; landslide; vulnerability assessment; Matutinao watershed; Geographic Information System; Analytic Hierarchy Process

Lanuza, Reynaldo L.; Carreon, Bruno O.; Camello, Daisy Luisa S.; Dano, Antonio M.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

6519 Application of artificial neural networks for reservoir inflow forecasting. artificial neural networks forecasting reservoir inflow Upper Mun basin

Varawoot Vudhivanich; Santi Thongpumnak; Nimit Cherdchanpipat; Areeya Rittima; Nattaphun Kasempun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15198 Application of blended learning-governed schoology during the COVID-19 pandemic blended learning; Schoology; COVID-19 response; student perceptions; rural areas

Suci Nugrah Amalia; Lastika Ary Prihandoko

serials journal of southeast asian education

16416 Application of CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing for improvement of bacteriocin production in selected lactic acid bacteria genome editing; lactic acid bacteria; bacteriocin production; fermented foods and beverages; strains

Yuli Haryani


411 Application of ecological modelling in environmental management ecological modelling biological processes pollution Eutrophication models sediments water quality

Jorgensen, S.E.

book developments in environmental modelling, 4a

410 Application of ecological modelling in environmental management. ecological modelling pesticides air quality atmospheric visibility aircraft noise environmental management wetlands rocky shore ecosystem

Jorgensen, S.E.; Mitsch, W.J.

book developments in environmental modelling 4b