List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9326 ARaMP, Inc. holds first rabbit festival. Association of Rabbit Meat Producers rabbit meat

Veneracion, Angie M.

serials agriculture magazine

14851 Architecture student rises from challenges and grows a flourishing garden gardening; ornamental plants

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine

9131 Are Chinese companies devastating the African environment? Exploring the role of a Chinese hydropower company in the Zambian environmental impact ... hydropower environment

Tianjun Hou

serials tropical resources

10963 Are foods derived from GM crops safe? genetically modified : GM food safety gene plant breeding biotechnology allergens antibiotic resistance DNA risk assessment biotech pocket k

4239 Are golf courses holding the carbon?. carbon sequestration turfgrass golf courses

Elstein, D.

serials agriculture

2584 Are Metro Manila households willing to pay for cleaner transport? cleaner public transport electric jeepney diesel jeepneys willingness to pay Manila

Francisco, Jamil Paolo S.

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr1

16636 Are Philippine cities ready to become smart cities? smart city; infrastructure; service; challenges; Philippines

Ramos, Tatum P.; Lorenzo, Pauline Joy M.; Ancheta, Jenica A.; Ballesteros, Marife, M.

book research paper series no. 2023-02

4467 Are the meat, milk and eggs from livestock fed biotech feeds safe to eat?. biotechnology livestock feeds labeling meat milk eggs serials agriculture

7692 Are there regional variations in the utilization of maternal and child care services across income groups. maternal services child care services utilization

Lavado, Rouselle F.; Lagrada, Leizel P.

serials philippine journal of development

13756 Are we food secure? food security; affordability; availability; rural poverty; low productivity; food consumption

Dy, Rolando

serials agriculture magazine