ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15449 | Art for peace and environment: A case of Benin | art; awareness; peacebuilding; environmental protection | Kim Kwang-Hyun; Kim Ahhyeon; Kim Jiwon (eds.) |
book | eiu best practices series no. 60 |
1527 | Artificial breeding of cattle : a practical guide. | Artificial insemination Cattle : Animal breeding | Boothby, Dennis; Fahey, Geoff |
book |
3621 | Artificial diet for silkworm: 2. Blood meal/chicken feed as low cost diet | Feed Diet Meal Chicken Silkworm Animal feeding | Matsura |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
990 | Artificial insemination in pigs | Philippines artificial insemination swine production semen collection semen processing selection boar economic returns | Baguio, Synan S.; Argañosa, Arturo S. |
book | pcarrd technology, v.16(2) |
7196 | Artificial insemination revolutionizes Pampangas's dairy industry. | artificial insemination embryo transfer dairy industry Pampanga | Samonte, Pete |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11438 | Artificial insemination yields twin calves. | artificial insemination livestock farming AI program cattle raising cattle carabao rice corn twin calves Ireneo Naparato native cow Bulgarian murrah buffalo income | Ogatis, James Earl E. |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
15110 | Artificial intelligence for agriculture innovation - Community Paper | agriculture innovation; artificial intelligence; smart farming | weblinks |
16478 | Artificial intelligence in food, agriculture and water | artificial intelligence; agriculture; precision agriculture; pest and disease detection; automated farming; robotic applications; smart agriculture; drones; remote sensing | Lin, Po Hung |
purch |
5281 | Artificial neural networks model for multireservoir water allocation. | artificial neural networks water allocation water shortage Mun Basin Thailand | Kongjun, T..; Vudhivanich, V. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3539 | Artificial rearing and nutritional physiology of the planthoppers and leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae and Deltocephalidae) on a holidic diet | Koyama, K. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |