List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15449 Art for peace and environment: A case of Benin art; awareness; peacebuilding; environmental protection

Kim Kwang-Hyun; Kim Ahhyeon; Kim Jiwon (eds.)

book eiu best practices series no. 60

1527 Artificial breeding of cattle : a practical guide. Artificial insemination Cattle : Animal breeding

Boothby, Dennis; Fahey, Geoff


3621 Artificial diet for silkworm: 2. Blood meal/chicken feed as low cost diet Feed Diet Meal Chicken Silkworm Animal feeding


serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

990 Artificial insemination in pigs Philippines artificial insemination swine production semen collection semen processing selection boar economic returns

Baguio, Synan S.; Argañosa, Arturo S.

book pcarrd technology, v.16(2)

7196 Artificial insemination revolutionizes Pampangas's dairy industry. artificial insemination embryo transfer dairy industry Pampanga

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

11438 Artificial insemination yields twin calves. artificial insemination livestock farming AI program cattle raising cattle carabao rice corn twin calves Ireneo Naparato native cow Bulgarian murrah buffalo income

Ogatis, James Earl E.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

15110 Artificial intelligence for agriculture innovation - Community Paper agriculture innovation; artificial intelligence; smart farming weblinks

16478 Artificial intelligence in food, agriculture and water artificial intelligence; agriculture; precision agriculture; pest and disease detection; automated farming; robotic applications; smart agriculture; drones; remote sensing

Lin, Po Hung


5281 Artificial neural networks model for multireservoir water allocation. artificial neural networks water allocation water shortage Mun Basin Thailand

Kongjun, T..; Vudhivanich, V.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3539 Artificial rearing and nutritional physiology of the planthoppers and leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae and Deltocephalidae) on a holidic diet

Koyama, K.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)