List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1031 Aquaculture in Asia Malaysia Thailand China Korea Indonesia Iran Japan aquaculture aquaculture industry prawn culture eel culture fisheries production economic analysis Asia

I Chui Liao; Chung-Zen Shyu; Nai-Hsien Chao (eds.)


1030 Aquaculture in Asia and the Pacific: A seminar report aquaculture industry shrimp marine ranching marine products prawn training needs book

3704 Aquaculture in Jamaica. aquaculture tilapia culture animal diseases parasites predation economic aspects

Aiken, K.A.; Morris, D.; Hanley, F.C.; Manning, R.

serials naga, worldfish center quarterly

9457 Aquaculture in Papua New Guinea : Reports from 1950 to 2005. aquaculture Papua New Guinea inland fisheries trout farming carp farming fishery cd

2192 Aquaculture in Papua New Guinea : Status of freshwater fish farming. aquaculture fingerling production fish farms market attitudes of institutions fish farming inland pond aqauculture

Smith, Paul T. (ed.)


3345 Aquaculture in the mountains of the Northern Lao PDR and Northern Vietnam Lao PDR Vietnam

Le Thanh Luu

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

1709 Aquaculture management. aquaculture cryobiology Tilapia Cobia microbial antagonism pathogens viruses intestinal microorganisms employment cage culture book

3214 Aquaculture of a high value freshwater fish in [Malaysia]: the marble or sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus, Bleeker) aquaculture freshwater fish sand goby Oxyeleotris marmoratus Malaysia

Cheah, S.H.; Senoo, S.; Lam, S.Y.; Ang, K.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

3215 Aquaculture potential of seahorses and pipefishes Hippocampus genus Reproduction Animal breeding Fish culture Animal feeding

Prein, M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4284 Aquaculture problems and their solutions (continued from last issue). over-stocking fishes stocking density feeding survival rate fry fingerlings tilapia bangus

Arada, M.F.

serials agriculture