List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2820 Approach to sustainable forestry of indigenous tree species in Northeast Thailand. forest management indigenous tree species coppicing teak plantations soil improvement wood processing industry forest plantation cooperatives

Noda, Iwao; Vacharangkura, Tosporn; Himmapan, Woraphun (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 74

16003 Approaches to assessment of impacts and vulnerability to climate change and adaptation options adaptation measures; climate change; climate impact; soil erosion; vulnerability assessment; soil nutrient cycle

Sandoval, Roberto Pedro C. Jr.; Kanamaru, Hideki

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 5-2

4002 Approaches to dissemination of ACIAR 9414 phosphorus fertilization technology on acid uplands. upland soils phosphorus fertilizer techno demo plots Philippines

Duque, C.M. Sr.; Cagmat, R.B.; Mugot, I.O.

serials cmu journal of science

3212 Approaches to national fish breeding programs: Pointers from a tilapia pilot study animal breeding tilapia

Eknath, A.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14667 Approaches to organic rice-based production: Meeting the challenges of low-external-input rice production system green agriculture; value chain; organic agriculture; breeding rice genotypes; nutrition management; organic rice; macronutrients; organic fertilizer; bio-pesticides; soil micronutrients; pest and disease management; organic farming technologies; rice yield; Palayamanan Model; Mindoro weblinks

975 Approaches to research on draught animal power in Indonesia, Ethiopia and Australia draught animals land preparation linear programming vertisols buffalo animal health rice bran diet energy metabolism

Petheram, R.J.; Gpe, M.R.; Abiye Astatke


7881 Approaches to the problem on pesticide residues in corps and soil in Japan. pesticide residue pesticide exposure persistence on-site remediation risk assessment cost and benefit analysis

Yogo, Yasuhiro

serials fftc extension bulletin 591

1147 Appropriate agricultural intensification of rainfed areas: Experiences from Asia rainfed upland technology

Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.


1153 Appropriate agricultural intensification of rainfed areas: Experiences from Asia rainfed technology adoption

Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.


505 Appropriate energy sources for rural areas : Report of an APO study meeting, Aug 2-9, 1994, Manila, Philippines energy sources rural areas biomass energy agro-industry energy conservation book