List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2272 Asian cities in the 21st century: Contemporary approaches to municipal management : Volume III - Reforming Dhaka City management. municipal management financial management solid waste management Dhaka City

Hamid, Naved; Huq, Saleemul (eds.)


14829 Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020: What drives innovation in Asia? COVID 19; innovation; economic research; information and communications technology; communicable and vector-borne diseases; economic data; industry and trade; entrepreneurship weblinks

10023 Asian Development Outlook 2000 - Special Chapter: The social challenge in Asia. economic development corporate and corporate restructuring economic trends social challenge purch

1607 Asian development outlook 2000 : Update. World economy economic assessment China Southeast Asia South Asia Pacific Korea Singapore book

10033 Asian development outlook 2004 : Special Chapter - Foreign direct investment in developing Asia. economy loans economic indicators risks policy development economic assessment purch

9936 Asian development outlook 2005. economics finance macroeconomic assessment East Asia Southeast Asia South Asia Central Asia Pacific purch

10037 Asian development outlook 2007: Growth amid change. economics finance trade economic performance Asia purch

14671 Asian economic integration report 2019/2020: Demographic change, productivity, and the role of technology trade; global value chains; investment; financial integration; cooperation; demographic change; productivity; role of technology weblinks

1566 Asian environment outlook: Country environmental policy integration studies China India Indonesia Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam development policies policy analysis development policies environmental priorities legislative capacity institutional capacity water quality air pollution nature protection resource management energy supply transport management fly ash fuel and vehicular technology book

12827 Asian environment outlook: Emerging environmental governance environmental governance political change economic change financial crisis technological changes global governance legislatures judiciary private business community-based natural resources management Asia

Faraday, George; Seymour, Frances
