List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1565 Asian environment outlook: Energy and the environment energy environmental impacts fuels biofuels health issues photovoltaic energy wind energy geothermal energy renewable energy policies energy use

Cleveland, Cutler; Ali Azimi; Prodipto Ghosh; Aminul Huq


1561 Asian environment outlook: Industry and the environment in Asia - obstacles to change and a regional strategy for rapid adoption enterprises international donors

Evans, J. Warren; Stevenson, Richard S.


1563 Asian environment outlook: National sustainable development planning environmental planning economic planning sustainable development eco-development global planning regional planning national planning environmental plans natural resource accounting river basins environmental indexes environmental information systems treaties project planning urban planning environmental impact assessment strategic environmental assessment

King, Peter


1564 Asian environment outlook: Natural resources management and the environment forests biodiversity land management water resources fisheries coastal resources marine resources natural resource management planning river basin organizations cost recovery national water programs

Tahir Qadri (ed.)


1559 Asian environment outlook: Policy integration - environment and development in the Asia and the Pacific Region Singapore Malaysia China environmental policy policy integration

Angel, David P.; Rock, Michael T.


1562 Asian environment outlook: The future of environmental institutions in Asia environmental challenges institutional reform human resources environmental deterioration natural resource degradation demographic change poverty globalization information flow technology transfer environmental institutions

McCauley, David S.


1526 Asian media and rice. rice awareness information technology demand supply urbanization population growth trade liberalization technologies productivity book

1733 Asian regionalism and its effects on trade in the 1980s and 1990s. trade preferential trade agreements trade flows

Clarete, Ramon

book erd working paper series no. 30

736 Asian rice bowls: The returning crisis? rice productivity sustainability farm profits erosion pollution demand market GATT commercialization pesticides labor scarcity fertilizers pesticides technologies

Pingali, P.L.; Hossain, M.; Gerpacio, R.V.


13919 Asian universities in new times higher education; hybrid universities; leaders book thf workshop reports no. 2