List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14641 Assessment of postharvest handling of tomato (The Case of Bukidnon, Philippines) tomato; postharvest handling system; quantitative and qualitative losses

Antolin, Cecilia R.; Neric Jr., Cesar F.; dela Cruz, Renita SM; Mendez, Kenny Bryalle B.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

16457 Assessment of postharvest losses due to catching undersized fishery commodities and size-dependent pricing in the Philippines postharvest losses; financial loss; undersized fishery commodities; physical loss; quality loss

Banicod, Riza Jane S.; Montojo, Ulysses M.; Tadifa, Gezelle C.; Peralta, Deserie M.; Ramos, Charlotte Ann M.; Esmao, Jessica C.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

8851 Assessment of potential risk to aquatic organisms by zinc originating from swine farm effluent in a rural area of Japan. swine aquatic organisms ecological risk water quality

Sunao Itahashi; Masahiro Kasuya; Ryoji Suzuki; Kaoru Abe; Kenji Banzai; Masako Tekebe

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12423 Assessment of Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis Muller and Schlegel) utilization in upland Kebar grassland, West Papua, Indonesia. Rusa deer forage species forage management deer utilization population hunting wildlife Indonesia

Pattiselanno, Freddy


14699 Assessment of small-scale native pig production in selected villages in Salavan District, Salavan Province, Lao PDR native pigs; production performance; production system; physical characteristics; body measurements; strategies

Saiphou Lormaisim


12035 Assessment of soybean yield loss due to bacterial pustule plant pathology soybean yield bacterial pustule

Suchat Vichitrananda


11834 Assessment of species and provenance trials at ANZAP (The ASEAN-New Zealand Afforestation Project) Tarlac, Philippines forestry Eucalyptus camaldulensis Acacia mangium Gmelina arborea species provenance trials Tarlac Philippines

Dusit Wechakit


10490 Assessment of students' learning: A practical approach. test development student learning data interpretation grading system computing grades

Rico, Alberto A.


3728 Assessment of the agriculture modernization program. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act infrastructure irrigation

Espino, Jake

serials agriculture

11189 Assessment of the allergenic potential of foods. biotechnology genetically engineered crops Bt food safety toxicity transgenic crops allergenicity protein

Neumann, David A.
