ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3963 | Assessment of the lumber market and potential of stress-graded lumber. | lumber market stress-graded lumber | Garcia, C.M.C.; Dizon, M.S.R.; Briñas, C.A. |
serials | fprdi journal |
13061 | Assessment of the management effectiveness and potential for ecotourism of Dong Na Tard protected area in Lao PDR | protected area ecotourism management effectiveness Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) sustainable management | Yoth Vanhnasin |
theses |
12573 | Assessment of the mangrove forest in Ranong, Thailand for landscape biodiversity resources planning and management. | mangrove forest land use types vegetation analysis species diversity mangrove resources sustainable management geographical information system biophysical analysis socioeconomic analysis Thailand | Puvadol Doydee |
theses |
12126 | Assessment of the marketing channel performance of agriculture-based products and consumer goods distributors. | business management agricultural products marketing channel Indonesia | Sriwidharmanely |
theses |
12729 | Assessment of the microbial safety of dried giant snakehead (Channa micropeltes Cuvier) fish from two small-scale processors in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. | microbial snakehead fish spoilage processors cuvier good manufacturing practices | Hor Rathna |
theses |
11766 | Assessment of the performance and impact of an agroforestry project in Ilocos Norte | agroforestry Ilocos Norte Philippines | Palafox, Ma. Elizabeth T. |
theses |
13617 | Assessment of the potential of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation in Europe | ecosystem-based approaches; climate change; adaptation; mitigation | Naumann, Sandra; Anzaldua, Gerardo; Berry, Pam; Burch, Sarah; McKenna, Davis; Frelih-Larsen, Ana; Gerdes, Holger; Sanders, Michele |
book |
16519 | Assessment of the production system and waste management practices in large commercial swine farms in Savannakhet province, Lao PDR | azolla biomass; commercial swine production; swine farm; environment; wastewater quality analysis | Saiphou Lormaisim |
theses |
12403 | Assessment of the sustainability and quality of shallow groundwater resources for tobacco production in selected growing areas in Batac, Ilocos Norte, | shallow groundwater groundwater supply demand analysis water quality tobacco production aquifer storage water balance chloride concentration electrical conductivity salinity level | Manzano, Virgilio Julius P., Jr. |
theses |
15870 | Assessment of traditional rice-based farming systems for adaptation to climate change in the Mekong Delta | climate change adaptation; rice-based farming system; traditional farming; traditional rice variety; Vietnam; Mekong Delta | Le Thanh Phong; Truong Ngoc Thuy; Pham Duy Tien; Lam Quoc Phuong; Le Thi Phuong Dong; Pham Tran Lan Phuong; Vo Van Oc; Vo Phu Qui; Nguyen Van Kien |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2021-3 |