List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2859 Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission: Twenty second session, Hanoi Vietnam, 21-25 April 2008. forestry climate change forest law forestry agencies book rap publication 2008/06

9546 Asia-Pacific Literacy Database. literacy Asia-Pacific country education statistics teaching and learning materials development human development community development networking women capacity building cd

2881 Asia-Pacific tropical sea cucumber aquaculture: Proceedings of an international symposium, Noumea, New Caledonia, 15-17 February 2011. sea cucumber aquaculture sea ranching hatchery production sandfish in vitro fertilization

Hair, Cathy A.; Pickering, Timothy D.; Mills, David J. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 136

335 Asia: development experience and agenda saving investment macroeconomic stability government book adb theme paper no.3

1176 Asia: Responding to crisis. financial crisis exchange rate policy analysis book

10776 Asian Agriculture Congress : Food security and environment protection in the new millenium. Food security and environment protection in the new millenium. food security environment protection biotechnology natural resource transgenics information technology cropping systems crop physiology genetics rice biotech

2332 Asian agriculture in a growing economy. agriculture agricultural trade rice consumption livestock products livestock diseases beef demands feedgrain demand agricultural cooperatives water resource infrastructure regional cooperation book

8033 Asian bioethics: Theoretical background. applied ethics institutional guidelines

Ciriaco M. Sayson, Jr.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

2270 Asian cities in the 21st century: Contemporary approaches to municipal management : Volume 1 - Leadership and change in city management. municipal management urban development municipal leadership organizational planning vision and mission financing Colombo Naga City Philippines Japan

Hamid, Naved; Martin, John (eds.)


2271 Asian cities in the 21st century: Contemporary approaches to municipal management : Volume II - Municipal management issues in South Asia. municipal management urban services public services solid waste collection solid waste disposal urban governance Lahore Colombo Region Dhaka City Calcutta

Hamid, Naved; Villareal, Mildred R. (eds.)
