List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14571 Angie King's castle: Hotelier turns Batangas rest home into a farm farm; hydroponics; apiary; stingless bees; Caliraya

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

2815 Animal biosecurity in the Mekong: Future directions for research and development : Proceedings of an international workshop held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 10-13 August 2010. Proceedings of an international workshop held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 10-13 August 2010. avian influenza infectious diseases livestock livestock trading foot-and-mouth disease veterinary services animal health communication indigenous practices risk management disease control

Adams, L.B.; Gray, G.D.; Murray, G. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 137

4119 Animal biotechnology holds promise, science group says. biotechnology medicine food safety farming uses environmental impacts ethical considerations serials agriculture

10201 Animal breeding: Principles and practice in the Philippine context. animal breeding animal genetics genetic materials chromosomes genes population dynamics selection mating outbreeding carabao biotechnology dairy cattle breeding beef cattle breeding goat breeding swine breeding poultry breeding duck breeding

Bondoc, Orville L.


3816 Animal byproducts are effective feedstuff in lapu-lapu culture. Lapu-lapu animal by-product meal Grouper serials agriculture

7949 Animal diversity on short-rotation coppices - a review. woody biomass biodiversity birds ground beetles environmental impacts short-rotation coppices

Schulz, Ulrich; Brauner, Oliver; GruB, Holger

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

966 Animal feed resources in Asia and the Pacific agro-industrial by-products feed resources animal feeds policies utilization feed industry economic analysis book

10078 Animal feeds and feeding: with emphasis on the tropics. feed nutrients feed evaluation quality control animal feeds feed storage feed processing milling nutritional requirements feed formulation laws and regulations

Roxas, Domingo B.


10419 Animal husbandry. Triolein emulsion rabbits skeletal muscles digital dermatitis dairy herd bacteria mammary glands Postpartum Dysgalactia Syndrome proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy propylene glycol toxicosis cow Vancomycin resistant enterococci sewage sludge abrasions piglets detomidine butorphanol horse pulmonary gas exchange inbreeding wolfhounds visceral leishmaniasis dogs radiation therapy campylobacter turkey oleic acid post-weaning diarrhoea clinical mastitis ewes bacteriology epidemiology copper supplementation Haemonchus contortus sheep bovine somatotropin pregnancy mating method dairy cattle organic poultry production immunologic responses duck plague

O'Connell, Thomas (ed.)


16476 Animal nutrition and feeding animal nutrition; nutrients; digestive systems; forages; nutrient requirements; animal feeds; lipids metabolism; feeding behavior; carbohydrates; feed formulation; future trends

Matthews, Kayden
