List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12110 Analysis of demand and supply of sawn timber in Lao People's Democratic Republic. forestry demand and supply sawn timber Lao PDR

Anousack Inthachack


11905 Analysis of demand for fertilizer in Thailand agricultural economics Fertilizer demand Thailand

Kumpol Puapanichya


412 Analysis of ecological systems: state-of-the-art in ecological modelling. Ecological modelling Ecosystems Theory Land resources Animals Water resources Energy development

Lauenroth, William K.; Skogerboe, Gaylord V.; Flug, Marshall (eds.)

book developments in environmental modelling 5

13065 Analysis of energy inputs in rice production at varying yield levels among selected towns of Laguna, Philippines energy analysis energy use energy inputs Statistical Analysis System crop management practices

Gyaw Shine Oo


16522 Analysis of forest dynamics of the evergreen broadleaf forest in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam forest dynamics; evergreen broadleaf forest; overstory trees; diversity indices; forest regeneration; soil properties; prediction; Vietnam

Nguyen Tien Phong


3937 Analysis of genetic diversity in coconut by RAPD. Coconut biodiversity Random amplification of polymorphic DNA

Rodriguez, M.J.B.; Estioko, L.P.; Namia, M.T.I.; Soniega, J.A.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

2581 Analysis of household vulnerability and adaptation behaviors to typhoon Saomai, Zhejiang Province, China. adaptation behaviors typhoon

Shen, Yueqin; Zhu, Zhen; Li, Lanying; Lv, Qiuju; Wang, Xifeng; Wang, Youjian

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr4

6482 Analysis of intersectional hybrids of dendrobium by RAPD technique. Dendrobium interspecific hybridization RAPD technique

Sirilak Inthawong; Weenun Bundithya; Nuttha Kuanprasert; Pimchai Apavatjrut

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14379 Analysis of long-term challenges for agricultural markets total factor productivity; agricultural prices; trade modelling; agricultural productivity; climate change; food security

Saunders, John T.;  Adenauer, Marcel; Brooks, Jonathan

weblinks agriculture and fisheries papers no. 131

4136 Analysis of main causes of animal infections "import" into developing countries. international trade developing countries animal disease animal infections risk assessment health veterinary services

Kouba, V.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica