ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
5355 | Return to the yellow brick road: Xiamen, revisited. | integrated coastal management, programs, pollution, environmental protection, Xiamen, China, | Corpuz, C.F.J. |
serials | tropical coasts |
5856 | Returning richness to the land. | vermicomposting earthworms vermicastings income | Antonio, Hazel V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
537 | Returns to investments in the generation and transfer of rice technology in Uruguay | investments technology transfer rice research Uruguay | Echeverria, R.G. |
book | isnar working paper no.30 |
2916 | Returns to research and development investments for genetically modified (GM) abaca. | abaca industry financial assessment societal benefits technology adoption | Dumayas, Elvira E.; Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. (eds.) |
book |
8498 | Revenues from manure. | buffalo, vermicomposting, manure, | Marcelo-Padre, Khrizie Evert |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9907 | Reversed realities: Gender hierarchies in development thought. | women in development Feminist Theory sex role households birth control population policy poverty | Kabeer, Naila |
purch |
8150 | Reverting to english to teach mathematics: How are Malaysian teachers and students changing in response to a new language context for learning. | mathematics, Malaysian context, Malaysia, teachers, students, | Clarkson, Philip C. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
15066 | Review - Development of cooling techniques for small-scale protected horticulture in mountainous areas in Japan | automatic shading; evaporative cooling; fog cooling; local cooling; pad and fan cooling; horticulture | Yamanaka, Ryosuke; Kawashima, Hiroki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
15065 | Review - Dry direct-seeding rice cultivation method incorporating a water-leakage prevention process using a vibratory roller | double-cropping; on-site evaluation; pore size distribution; soil compaction; soil moisture condition; agricultural environment | Nakano, Keiko; Koichiro, Fukami; Ohdan, Hideki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
15073 | Review - Optimization process of plant growth environment for improving content compounds using physiological and genetic information in a closed-type plant factory | agricultural engineering; control light environment; high value plants; stevia; sweetening | Yoneda, Yuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |