List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5355 Return to the yellow brick road: Xiamen, revisited. integrated coastal management, programs, pollution, environmental protection, Xiamen, China,

Corpuz, C.F.J.

serials tropical coasts

5856 Returning richness to the land. vermicomposting earthworms vermicastings income

Antonio, Hazel V.

serials agriculture magazine

537 Returns to investments in the generation and transfer of rice technology in Uruguay investments technology transfer rice research Uruguay

Echeverria, R.G.

book isnar working paper no.30

2916 Returns to research and development investments for genetically modified (GM) abaca. abaca industry financial assessment societal benefits technology adoption

Dumayas, Elvira E.; Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. (eds.)


8498 Revenues from manure. buffalo, vermicomposting, manure,

Marcelo-Padre, Khrizie Evert

serials agriculture magazine

9907 Reversed realities: Gender hierarchies in development thought. women in development Feminist Theory sex role households birth control population policy poverty

Kabeer, Naila


8150 Reverting to english to teach mathematics: How are Malaysian teachers and students changing in response to a new language context for learning. mathematics, Malaysian context, Malaysia, teachers, students,

Clarkson, Philip C.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

15066 Review - Development of cooling techniques for small-scale protected horticulture in mountainous areas in Japan automatic shading; evaporative cooling; fog cooling; local cooling; pad and fan cooling; horticulture

Yamanaka, Ryosuke; Kawashima, Hiroki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15065 Review - Dry direct-seeding rice cultivation method incorporating a water-leakage prevention process using a vibratory roller double-cropping; on-site evaluation; pore size distribution; soil compaction; soil moisture condition; agricultural environment

Nakano, Keiko; Koichiro, Fukami; Ohdan, Hideki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15073 Review - Optimization process of plant growth environment for improving content compounds using physiological and genetic information in a closed-type plant factory agricultural engineering; control light environment; high value plants; stevia; sweetening

Yoneda, Yuki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)