ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3145 | Review and assessment of programs offered by state universities and colleges. | state universities and colleges Commission on Higher Education | Manasan, Rosario; Parel, Danileen Kristel |
book |
13861 | Review and assessment of Students Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (SGP-PA) and expanded SGP-PA: Evidence of performance in the first two years | higher education; grants-in-aid program; academic performance | Silfverberg, Denise V.; Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr. |
book | research paper series no. 2017-02 |
13594 | Review and update of the 2004 National List of Threatened Terrestrial Fauna of the Philippines | terrestrial fauna; conservation status; red list; National Threatened List; Philippines | Gonzalez, Juan Carlos T.; Tabaranza, Don Geoff E.; Layusa, Cynthia Adeline A.; Espanola, Camela P.; Afuang, Leticia E.; van de Ven, Willem A.C.; Duya, Mariano Roy, M.; Diesmos, Arvin C.; Heaney, Lawrence R.; Causaren, Rubie M.; Balete, Danilo S. |
serials | sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources |
15509 | Review Article: Phytogenics in aquaculture: A short review of their effects on gut health and microflora in fish | aquaculture; immune response; microbiome; mucosal immunity; phytobiotics | Caipang, Christopher Marlowe A. |
serials | the philippine journal of fisheries |
11259 | Review of introgression between maize and teosinte. | genetic engineering transgenic maize biotechnology teosinte chromosomes | Angel Kato, T. Y. |
biotech |
1076 | Review of advances in plant biotechology, 1985-88: 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Manipulation in Crops, 29-31 August 1988 | anther culture haploid breeding protoplast culture somatic hybridization hybridization somatic embryogenesis somaclonal variation genetic manipulation | Mujeeb-Kazi, A.; Stich, L.A. (eds.) |
book |
2741 | Review of agricultural policy and policy research: A policy discussion paper. | agriculture poverty reduction paddy rice production water resource policy irrigation water management food security climate change millennium development goals national strategic development plan | Vuthy, Theng; Ra, Koy |
book |
10709 | Review of policy impediments to Philippines rural development. | rural development land reform policy studies environment GMOs poverty natural resource environmental strategy food policy Philippines | biotech |
3419 | Review of social and economic research in the fishery sector of the Philippines | Agbayani, R.F. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
4975 | Review of the protected area system of Vietnam. | Protected areas, conservation projects, | Rambaldi, Giacomo |
serials | asean biodiversity |