ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6271 | Rice diseases Series (Part II) - Rice Blast. | rice rice blast life cycle symptoms of infection resistant varieties cultural practices biological control chemical control | Nas, Mark |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12607 | Rice diversity and the politics of genetic resources in Thailand. | rice diversity deformation performation reformation transformation genetic resources indigenous knowledge knowledge intellectual property rights | Witchuda Srang-iam |
theses |
667 | Rice drum seeder | Philippines rice weeds herbicides farm equipment economic benefits direct seeding | Bautista, Eulito U.; Gagelonia, Eden C. |
book | pcarrd technology |
5720 | Rice ecofarming: Blending the old and the new. | ecofarming rice seedbed preparation seedling establishment land preparation nutrient management pest management | serials | agriculture magazine |
6239 | Rice experts say RP can be rice self-sufficient by 2010. | rice import self-sufficiency | Domoguen, Robert L. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14012 | Rice farmer's preference for agricultural extension services in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia | agricultural extension services; rice; yield increase; training; workshop; extension delivery; tv; radio; video; website; farmers; Cambodia | Heng Chou Long |
theses |
7294 | Rice farmers culture fish in reservoirs. | reservoirs fish culture tilapia carp small water impoundment projects fish production harvest | Prudencio, Max |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12174 | Rice farmers perception of and attitude toward Agricultural Extension work and their | agricultural extension Rice farmers attitude agricultural extension adoption farm practices South Sulawesi | Rudin Baruadi |
theses |
16545 | Rice farmers watch out for wet season diseases | rice diseases; brown spot; deadheart; leaf blast; sheat blight; whitehead | serials | agriculture magazine |
3161 | Rice for the Filipinos : Towards the government's food sufficiency program. | rice rice varieties cultural practices rice farming technology food crops | book |