List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14348 Reworking the land: A review of literature on the role of mitigation and remittances in the rural livelihoods of Southeast Asia mitigation; remittances; livelihoods; migration

Cole, Rob; Wong, Grace; Brockhaus, Maria

book working paper 187

14321 Rey Pimentel's exciting hoya crosses hoya; breeding; cultivars

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5910 Reynaldo C. Gaballo: The man who helped establish Philrice-Agusan. rice farming

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

6436 Rheological Properties of Wheat Flour-based Batter Containing Tapioca Starch. apparent viscosity batter Arrhenius equation temperature consistency coefficient flow behavior index

Soraya Ketjarut; Thongchai Suwonsichon; Rungnaphar Pongsawatmanit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7054 Rice "fingerprints" provide valuable information to rice breeders. genetic fingerprinting rice DNA

Manalo, Jaime A. IV

serials agriculture magazine

1666 Rice : A practical guide to nutrient management. nutrient deficiencies mineral toxicities crop management plant pests fertilizer organic manures nitrogen phosphorus potassium zinc sulfur silicon magnesium calcium iron manganese copper boron sulfide aluminum salinity toxicities

Fairhurst, Thomas; Witt, Christian (eds.)


9468 Rice : Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management. rice nutrient disorders nutrient management rice ecosystems toxicity mineral deficiency

Achim Dobermann


2978 Rice Almanac. transplanting rice tillering plants panicle spikelets genetic diversity cropping systems water productivity rice markets book

1705 Rice almanac. rice morphology genetic diversity growth rice ecosystems pests of plants integrated pest management water crisis aerobic rice climate change varieties greenhouse gases biotechnology biosafety crop modeling food security

Maclean, J.L.; Dawe, D.C.; Hardy, B.; Hettel, G.P. (eds.)


1504 Rice Almanac. rice genetic diversity growth rainfed lowland upland rice ecosystem weeds pests book