List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7291 Rice hull-fed furnace reduces cost of drying palay. furnace rice hull palay

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

5715 Rice husk furnace for recirculating-type palay dryer. dryer rice husk furnace

Belonio, Alexis T.

serials agriculture magazine

5570 Rice husk gas burner for bakery oven. rice husk gas burner bakery ovens costs

Belonio, Alexis

serials agriculture magazine

5647 Rice husk quasi gasifier stove with side-in steam injector for household use developed. cooking device stove steam rice husk

Belonio, Alexis T.

serials agriculture magazine

5642 Rice husks sustainable energy resource waiting to be tapped. rice husks energy power plants electric power

Pablico, Sosimo M.

serials agriculture magazine

6894 Rice improvement by anther culture of F1 hybrid between lemont and khao dawk mali 105. rice anther culture Oryza sativa L.

P. Pongtongkam; R. Lertvichai; P. Ratisoontorn; B. Silayoi; S. Apisittivanich; S. Peyachoknagul, L. Ngernsiri; S. Suputtitada, K. Klakhaeng

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7493 Rice Improvement Through Immature Embryo Culture and Colchicine Treatment. rice improvement, immature embryo rescue,

Pradit Pongtongkam

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

714 Rice in deep water rivers watersheds sediment floods water climate soils rice fields rice rice plant flora fauna agroecology gas exchange plant population varietal improvement pest management cultural methods

Catling, David


322 Rice in Indonesia: price policy and comparative advantage rice market distortion Indonesia

Ifzal Ali

book adb economic staff paper no. 29

2202 Rice in our life: A review of Philippine studies. rice rice terraces agrarian reform land use farmer integrated nutrient management integrated pest management pesticides herbicides fertilizer use rice farming

Castillo, Gelia T.
