List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13297 Science and technology to boost Philippine mango industry mango industry; carabao mango; UPLB; PCAARRD

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

11265 Science and the environmentally effects of GM crops. genetically modified organisms : GMOs biotechnology DNA technology gene transfer transgenic crops genomic risk assessment biodiversity gene flow food security

Persley, Gabrielle

biotech agrolinks

14556 Science and the spirit - A pentecostal engagement with the sciences religion and science; Pentecostalism book

8144 Science anxiety among form four students in Penang: A gender comparison. science anxiety, Penang, gender,

Kuan, Foo L.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

8545 Science news from the NAST. ducks, tulya, durian peel,

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

16620 Science of fungi in grapevine fungal disease; mycology; fungicides; breeding; resistant varieties

Viret, Olivier; Gindro, Katia


755 Science of the rice plant: Supplementary Volume, Indices morphology physiology genetics rice rice plant

Takane Matsuo; Shiro Okabe; Kiichi Hanada; Fumio Kikuchi (eds.)


754 Science of the rice plant: Volume One, Morphology Oryza sativa Varieties Plant anatomy Inflorescences Root Germination Taxonomical characters Seedlings Stem Tillers Leaves Panicles Anthesis Fertilization Insect pests

Takane Matsuo; Kiyochika Hoshikawa (eds.)


752 Science of the Rice Plant: Volume Three: Genetics rice phylogeny geographical distribution chromosome genomes chloroplast isozyme proteins cultivation cultivated rice wild rice ecotypes ecospecies trisomic analysis gene analysis morphological characters seeds seedlings roots culm leaves panicles spikelets dwarfism pigmentation anthocyanin physiological characters plant development dry matter yield nitrogen fixation grains disease resistance insect resistance environmental stress heterosis mutation polyploidy haploidy aneuploidy hetroploidy biotechnology genetic resources tissue culture cell fusion plant breeding DNA history preservation

Takane Matsuo; Yuzo Futsuhara; Fumio Kikuchi; Hikoyuki Yamaguchi (eds.)


753 Science of the Rice Plant: Volume Two, Physiology Rice Oryza sativa plant tissues plant developmental stages nutrition physiology high yielding varieties dry matter content photosynthesis respiration grain yield storage physicochemical properties pesticides water pollution soil pollution air pollution salt injuries acid sulfate injuries flag leaf withering Akagare disease wind damage drought damage insect pests climatic conditions carbon metabolism nitrogen fixation nutrient absorption ripening flower bud dormancy

Takane Matsuo; Kikuo Kumazawa; Ryuichi Ishil; Kuni Ishihara; Hiroshi Hirata (eds.)
