List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8056 Science/mathematics locus of control of Malaysian science/mathematics educators: Implication of teacher-training programmes. science, mathematics, teachers, trainings, Malaysian,

Arellano, Elvira L.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

16369 Scientific Conference Proceedings: Backcross abaca with native and desirable accessions to lift up the abaca industry (BANDALA) abaca; bunchy top disease; database; genetic variability; hybrids; growth; performance; tensile strength; microscopy analysis book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 124/2023

679 Scientific management of germplasm: characterization, evaluation and enhancement germplasm genetic variation insect pests sweet potatoes peanut maize tobacco insect genetic resources

Stalker, H.T.; Chapman, C. (eds.)

book ipbgr training courses: lecture series. 2

393 Scientific research and social goals: towards a new development model human needs research methodologies regional approaches

Mayor, Federico (ed.)


10580 Scientifica. mathematics physics astronomy biology chemistry geology medicine purch

4155 Scientist develops eco-friendly and inexpensive hair gel - from soybean and safflower seeds. hair gel, soapstock, safflower, soybean, lipid compound, oilseeds, serials agriculture

13498 Scientist unlock largest map of any crop to fast-track rice breeding genetic map; DNA; genes; rice breeding; genetic markers; genome mapping

Icamina, Paul M.

serials agriculture magazine

6338 Scientists develop eggplant varieties resistant to fruit and shoot borer. eggplant Bt eggplant

ablico, Sosimo Ma.; Biag, Hanah Hazel Mavi M.

serials agriculture magazine

7802 Scientists discover how FMD virus begins infection in cattle. foot-and-mouth disease, virus, cattle, vaccine,

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine

5953 Scientists embark on project to help abaca industry. abaca genetical engineering bunchy top virus mosaic viruses plant viruses

Lontoc, Jo Florendo B.

serials agriculture magazine