ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9600 | SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office : Accomplishment Report 2003-2004. | SEAMEO TROPMED tropical medicine public health | cd |
9542 | SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office : Summary of Accomplishment 2005-2006. | SEAMEO TROPMED tropical medicine public health | cd |
9601 | SEAMEO TROPMED Network Office : Summary of Accomplishment 2006-2007. | SEAMEO TROPMED tropical medicine public health | cd |
9805 | SEAMEO-APCEIU-SPAFA: Cultural understanding through paintings of Southeast Asia nd Korea. | APCEIU SPAFA cultural understanding tales paintings Southeast Asia Korea | cd |
9806 | SEAMEO-APCEIU-SPAFA: Telling tales from Southeast Asia and Korea : Story pictures card. | APCEIU SPAFA story telling tales | cd |
9807 | SEAMEO-SPAFA : Summary Report 2009-2010. | SEAMEO SPAFA activities report | cd |
9808 | SEAMEO-UNESCO Education Congress and Expo. | cd |
9809 | SEAMEO: Best Practices: 2012 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award. | SEAMEO education disaster risk reduction | cd |
13451 | SEARCA bats for inclusive and sustainable value chains | value chain; market system; sustainable agriculture; rural development; course; ISARD; SEARCA | serials | agriculture magazine |
11405 | SEARCA BIC joins youth club, conducts biotech workshop for kids. | biotechnology deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA | Baracol, Dione C.A. |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |