List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5735 Seed firm gives practical pointers on growing onions. onions soil requirements seedling establishment field preparation transplanting fertilization weeding irrigation pest and disease control serials agriculture magazine

13290 Seed firm joins FNRI versus malnutrition malnutrition; vegetables; East-West Seed; rice-mungo mix; FNRI

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8493 Seed firm supports off-season onion production. seed, onion,

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

11524 Seed germination and seedling growth of two rice varieties in lead-enriched medium. botany seedling growth rice

Ellyzarti H. Muchrimsyah


6552 Seed germination enhancement in solanum stramonifolium and solanum torvum. solanum dormancy breaking

Nur Eva Hayati; Sutevee Sukprakarn; Sunanta Juntakool

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15618 Seed guidebook: Scaling and expanding for effective development the experiences and learning from the SEARCA project Piloting and Upscaling Effective Models of Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (ISARD) ARD models; rural development; sustainable agriculture; inclusive agriculture; ISARD; project implementation; communication; participatory monitoring and evaluation

Lando, Lily Ann D.; Orencio, Pedcris M.; Medina, Jose R.; Bandong, Ruth Jazrel M.; Malayang, Donna Bae N.; Rogel, Carmen Nyhria G.


9469 Seed Handling in Genebanks : Self-Learning Module (CD-ROM). seed genebanks seed biology and physiology plant genetic resources germplasm genetically modified organisms (GMO) seed handling

N. Kameswara Rao


261 Seed potato systems in developed countries: Canada, The Netherlands and Great Britain Netherlands Great Britain seed potatoes seed production potato industry market regulation certification market infrastructure trade prices varieties

Young, Nick


139 Seed production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific Bangladesh Bhutan Republic of China India Indonesia Thailand Rep. of Korea Mongolia Nepal Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Seed production Marketing Marketing policies seed regulation intellectual property rights

Asian Productivity Organization


7075 Seed production is profitable. seed production income harvests Mindanao

Ramilo, Baby P.

serials agriculture magazine