List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14055 SEARCA helps Leyte women start banana and takudo chips production chips processing; banana chips; Inopacan; Leyte; SEARCA serials agriculture magazine

14128 SEARCA redefines value chain 'inclusivity' for regional agricultural and rural economy agricultural value chain; gender mainstreaming; inclusivity; sustainability serials agriculture magazine

15843 SEARCA research thrusts and programs through the years: The way toward food security poverty; climate change; agricultural competitiveness; food security; DPS

Depositario, Dinah Pura T.; Saguiguit, Jr., Gil C.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2014-5

15705 SEARCA's First 50 Years history; SEARCA

Tallafer, Lily L.


15735 SEARCA-WID Women in Development: Small research grants program for rural women food processing; micro-credit scheme; rural women; mushroom production; small research grant; Ahon sa Hirap

Toquero, Zenaida F.


11262 Searching for a balance: environmental concerns and potential benefits of transgenic crops in center of origin and diversity. transgenic plants biosafety biotechnology risk assessment solanum diversity gene flow zea mays Latin America Bt toxin : Bacillus thuringiensis

Virgin, Ivar; Frederick, Robert


9047 Searching for entrepreneurs among small business ownermanager in agriculture. entrepreneurship, competence, learning, innovation, networks,

Lans, T.

serials njas-waginingen journal of life and sciences

10778 Searching for the role of agricultural biotechnology in sustainable agricultural development of the region. technology innovations transgenic biotechnology gene revolution biosafety food safety intellectual property rights risk assessment

Villareal, Ruben L.


4057 Seasonal changes in N2 fixation activity N enrichment in paddy soils as affected by soil management in the northern area of Japan. nitrogen fixation, soils, fertilizers, plant nutrition, cellulose, straw, Tohoku region,

Kondo, Motohiko

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6905 Seasonal changes of wood formation and some characteristics of heartwood formation in teak (Tectona grandis L.) plantation. wood formation sapwood heartwood teak

Tadashi Nobuchi; Sirirat Janmahasatien; Masaharu Sakai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science