List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7199 Seed production of upo. bottle gourd land preparation planting fertilizer application irrigation weeding trellising insect pest management disease management postharvest handling serials agriculture magazine

14918 Seed productivity of genebank sorghum accessions in india (Tamil Nadu) and Japan (Tsukuba) core collection; international collaboration; seed multiplication; sorghum genetic resources

Noguchi, Tomotsugu; Subbarayan, Sivakumar; Kiyosawa, Atsushi; Gotoh, Kazumi; Murakami, Yasufumi; Okuizumi, Hisato

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

10897 Seed quality and effect on rice yield : Findings from farmer participatory experiments in Central Luzon, Philippines. seed quality rice yield farmer participatory Central Luzon Philippines

Diaz, C.; Hossain, M.; Merca, S.; Mew, T.

biotech the philippine journal of crop science

12997 Seed science and technology seedling, germination, seed science, seed bank, genetic technology, seed producing plants, pollination, plant reproduction purch

5806 Seed size doesn't matter. corn seed seed quality

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

13871 Seed storage of horticultural crops seed evolution; seed development; seed cleaning; seed-borne diseases; seed sampling; germination testing; plant breeding pathology; genetic purity

Kings, Alfred


7637 Seed storage protein extraction and gel pH gradient for cucumber varietal identification via an ultrathin-layer isoelectric focusing technique. cucumber, seed protein, electrophoresis, isoelectric point,

Damrongwoot Onwimol

serials the kasetsart journal

13385 Seed to cup r and d warms up lukewarm coffee industry seed; coffee

Icamina, Paul M.

serials agriculture magazine

6590 Seed transmission and epidemics of colletotrichum lindemuthianum in the major common bean growing areas of Ethiopia. anthracnose colletotrichum lindemuthianum seedborne epidemics common bean

Mohammed Yesuf; Somsiri Sangchote

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5729 Seed treatment in corn. corn seed treatment

Lugod, Tom R.

serials agriculture magazine