ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14719 | Second generation FilAm finds her roots (and makes money) in supporting Philippine sea salt | salt; export; Philippine Sea Salts | Tan, Yvette |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2221 | Second Philippines progress report on the millennium development goals. | poverty education gender equality child mortality maternal health reproductive health HIV / AIDS environmental sustainability drugs safe drinking water | book |
7299 | Second wave of biotech growth and development begins. | biotechnology rice maize drought-tolerant ISAAA | serials | agriculture magazine |
1517 | Secondary farmers of secondary crops? : Women and rootcrop livelihood in the Philippines. | Rootcrops livelihood gender roles food security women genetic resource conservation sweet potato cassava production taro production | book |
8906 | Secondary poisoning of captive barn owls, Tyto alba javanica through feeding with rats poisoned with chlorophacinone and bromadiolone. | poisoning, Tyto alba, chlorophacinone, bromadiolone, | Hasber Salim |
serials | journal of oil palm research |
8235 | Secrets to developing a successful biotechnology industry: Lessons from developing countries. | Afirca, alliances, biotechnology, development, strategies, | Konde, Victor |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
13622 | Sector briefing on climate change impacts and adaptation - Agriculture | climate change; adaptation; agriculture; energy; health; transport; urban development; water supply; sanitation | book |
182 | Sector paper on livestock | policies livestock agricultural diversification food security livestock production poverty alleviation | book | adb agriculture department staff paper no.4 |
2774 | Sectoral composition of China's economic growth, poverty reduction and inequality: Development and policy implications for Cambodia. | poverty reduction economic growth poverty alleviation industrialization agriculture and rural development | Vathana, Roth |
book | cdri working paper series no. 68 |
2235 | Sectoral perspectives on sustainable development. | sustainable development environmental protection energy agriculture | Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development Programme |
book | sustainable development series |