List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
261 Seed potato systems in developed countries: Canada, The Netherlands and Great Britain Netherlands Great Britain seed potatoes seed production potato industry market regulation certification market infrastructure trade prices varieties

Young, Nick


139 Seed production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific Bangladesh Bhutan Republic of China India Indonesia Thailand Rep. of Korea Mongolia Nepal Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Seed production Marketing Marketing policies seed regulation intellectual property rights

Asian Productivity Organization


7075 Seed production is profitable. seed production income harvests Mindanao

Ramilo, Baby P.

serials agriculture magazine

7049 Seed production of ampalaya. Momordica charantia ampalaya seed production planting land preparation fertilizer application irrigation trellising seed processing packaging

PCARRD; Institute of Plant Breeding, UPLB

serials agriculture magazine

7070 Seed production of cucumber. cucumber varieties land preparation planting fertilizer application trellising insect pest management disease management pollination roguing harvesting postharvest handling seed processing packaging cost and return analysis serials agriculture magazine

7115 Seed production of eggplant. eggplant seed production varieties seedbed preparation pricking land preparation transplanting fertilization irrigation weed control insect pest management disease management harvesting postharvest handling packaging storage cost and return analysis serials agriculture magazine

7135 Seed production of okra. okra seed production land preparation planting fertilizer application irrigation weeding insect pest management disease management crop inspection roguing postharvest handling packaging storage cost and return analysis serials agriculture magazine

7092 Seed production of pole sitao. pole sitao production varieties environmental requirements land preparation planting fertilizer application irrigation trellising insect pest management disease management pollination postharvest handling seed processing storage serials agriculture magazine

11716 Seed production of red creole onion (Allium cepa L.) in the Philippines. seed production onion Allium cepa Philippines

Otinggue Mohammad Masnar


7183 Seed production of squash. squash seed production planting fertilizer application irrigation weeding insect pest management disease management pollination roguing harvesting postharvest handling seed processing packaging cost and return analaysis serials agriculture magazine