ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15268 | Seeking the value of mathematics education: The case of SEA-BES | mathematics education; values; attitudes; thinking; skills; curriculum; SEA-BES | Masami Isoda; Teh Kim Hong; Montecillo, Pedro L. Jr. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
11583 | Segregation pattern of peroxidase isozymes in three Oryza species: Sativa, nivara and rufipogon. | segregation pattern peroxidase isozymes Oryza sativa Oryza nivara Oryza rufipogon Philippines | Soledad, Blanquita S. |
theses |
12588 | Seila program's communication strategy to promote decentralization in communes in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. | communication strategy decentralization communes communication messages communication channels communication approaches Cambodia | Pheak Thearith |
theses |
807 | Selected characteristics of smallholder rubber producers in Aceh province, Indonesia | rubber production labor use income Indonesia | Nu Nu San; Deaton, B.J.; Juniar Sirait; Artaria Misniwathy |
book | winrock working paper no.170 |
2134 | Selected environment and natural resources laws, policies, and regulations relevant to local government units. | laws and regulations, environment, environmental impact statement, mining, forest resources, municipal waters, | book |
10199 | Selected essays on science and technology for securing a better Philippines, Volume 1. | science technology scientific research and development media scientists education scientific publications training graduate students institution building academic research immunology infectious diseases public health viruses antibody herbals natural products health remedies biotechnology aquaculture food agriculture biodiversity environment structural biology biophysics bioinformatics engineering physics mathematics geobiology geology paleontology population red tides earthworms organic farming Bt corn medicinal plants malaria mineralized bone gastric ulcer cancer genetically modified organisms | Padilla-Concepcion, Gisela P.; Padlan, Eduardo A.; Saloma, Caesar A. (eds.) |
purch |
11765 | Selected factors associated with achievement motivation and job performance | extension education job performance extension workers Java Indonesia | Agus Purwoko |
theses |
3147 | Selected food security indicators - Philippines 1990-2013 | statistical indicators; food availability; food accessibility; food utilization; gender-based food security | book |
53 | Selected papers on pesticide management and regulation in the Philippines. | Pesticides rice production vegetable production pesticide use policy risk assessment Philippines | Magallona, Edwin D.; Sumalde, Augusto C.; Rola, Agnes C.; MacQuarrie, Patricia |
book | ermp reports no.19 |
13114 | Selected reviews in biotechnology: Livestock, forestry, and fisheries | artificial insemination; embryo technologies; somatic cell nuclear transfer; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; genomics; marker-assisted genetic evaluation; transgenic animals; animal health; animal physiology; vaccines; antibodies; biotechnology; animal nutrition; animal genetic resource banking; genetically engineered trees; traditional plant breeding; genetic engineering; selecting transformed cells; gene flow in transgenic trees; invasiveness; genetically engineered trees; biodiversity; regulations; forest certification; risk management; reforestation; stakeholders; aquaculture; aquaculture nutrition; fish health management; antiviral agent; antimicrobial agent; growth promotion; transgenic fish; disease resistance; cold tolerance; sterility; salinity tolerance; environmental sensor; pollutants; transgenic trials; mollusks; shellfish; crustaceans; transgenic fish; high density culture; microalgae; control reproduction; diseases; tilapia; seaweeds; aquatic organisms | Ayson, Evelyn Grace dL.; Cruz, Libertado C.; Halos, Saturnina C. |
book |