List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7675 Sensitivity comparison of pathogenic aquatic fungal hyphae to sodium chloride, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid and povidone iodine. water mold, sodium chloride, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, povidone iodine, Aphanomyces sp., Achlya sp.,

Wichukarn Fuangsawat

serials the kasetsart journal

6461 Sensory Properties of Thai Fish Sauces and Their Categorization. fish sauces descriptive analysis principal component analysis (PCA)

Pitiporn Ritthiruangdej; Thongchai Suwonsichon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4020 Sequence analysis and GTP-binding ability of the minor core protein P5 of rice gall dwarf virus. plant disease, rice gall dwarf virus, phytoreovirus, nucleotide, baculovirus, amino acid, protein,

Ichimi, Kenzaburo

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7530 Sequence Analysis of the 16SrRNA-rps12 Inverted Repeat Region in Chloroplast DNA of a Dendrobium Orchid. chloroplast DNA, Dendrobium,

Benjawan Lertwiriyawong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7825 Sequence variation and haplotype structure in the Lox3 gene of Oryza sativa L. genetic variation, nucleotide diversity, haplotypes, lipoxygenase, Oryza sativa,

Nongnat Phoka

serials the kasetsart journal

7583 Sequence variation and haplotype structure in the Lox3 gene of Oryza sativa L. genetic variation, nucleotide diversity, haplotypes, lipoxygenase, Oryza sativa,

Nongnat Phoka

serials the kasetsart journal

6349 Sequence-Tagged Site of Defense-Related Genes for Resistant/Susceptible Eucalypt selection to Cryptosporiopsis eucalypti. Eucalyptus Cryptosporiopsis eucalypti leaf spot DNA marker

Yuttana Singchada; Saowanee Suputtitada; Poonpilai Suwanarit; Somsak Apisitwanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4178 Sequencing the bad guys. sequence analyzer, genes, traits,

Pons, L.

serials agriculture

3868 Sequential coconut toddy (SAP) and nut production in Laguna Tall variety and hybrid coconuts. Coconut sap, nut production, Laguna Tall, Mawa hybrid, copra yield, nut yield, cost and return analysis,

Maravilla, J.N.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

6956 Sequential sampling plan for treatment decisions on cashew thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera). insecta thysanoptera sequential sampling anacardium occidentale

Intawat Burikam; Parnpen Chayopas

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science