ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10916 | Sesame improvement through mutation induction for reduction of seed loss at harvest (semi-shattering pod). | sesame gamma rays fast neutron red pitsanulok black burirum Thailand white granuan | Sorasak Maneekao; Naruatai Worasatit; Siripong Kumphai; Boonguer Poosri |
biotech |
3 | Sesame in Myanmar. | sesame planting flowering seeds harvesting oil extraction cultivation uses strains farm machinery | Nyein Set Lin |
book |
4063 | Sesamin, a sesame lignan, as a potent serum lipid-lowering food component. | food, sesame, fatty acid oxidation, lipoprotein production, rat, | Ide, Takashi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
10927 | Setting research priorities for the Chilean biotechnology program. | agricultural biotechnology analytic hierarchy process : AHP research priority setting Chile | Braunschweig, Thomas; Janssen, Willem; Muñoz, Carlos; Rieder, Peter |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11212 | Setting research priorities for the Chilean biotechnology program. | biotechnology genetics analytic hierarchy process : AHP agriculture and fisheries modernization act : AFMA Chile priority settings | Braunschweig, Thomas; Janssen, Willem; Muñoz, Carlos; Rieder, Peter |
biotech |
1972 | Setting user charges for public services: Policies and practice at the Asian Development Bank. | tariffs public services power projects water projects | Dole, David |
book | erd technical note series no. 9 |
15736 | Seven ways for successful academic networking | personal networking; academic networking; organizational networking | Soekartawi |
book |
4274 | Sewage sludge can be a fertilizer and soil conditioner for sugarcane. | sewage sludge, organic fertilizer, soil conditioner, sugarcane farms, yields, | serials | agriculture |
7411 | Sex Expression of Staminate Cluster as Affected by Pinching the MAin Shoot, Defoliation and N6-benzylaminopurine in Monoecious Cucumber. | sex expression, pinching, defoliation, N6-benzylaminopurine, cucumber, | Kanapol Jutamanee |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7334 | Sex Pheromone of Cotton Bollworm, Heliothis armigera (Hubner). | cotton bollworm, pheromone, insect control, | Somnuk Wongtong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |