List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1499 Simulation of ecophysiological processes of growth in several annual crops. crop growth modelling modelling techniques assimilation dissimilation carbon morphological development assimilate partitioning transpiration water uptake soil water balance crop growth photosynthesis

De Vries, F.W.T. Pening; Jansen, D.M.; ten Berge, H.F.M.; Bakema, A.


8 Simulation of growth and yield of the potato crop modelling approach canopy climate photosynthesis vegetative growth organ initiation

Ng, E.; Loomis, R.S.


4771 Simulation of injury level of leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard) on potato. leafminer, potato, artificial defoliation, yields, insect pests,

Sabas, G.P.

serials bsu research journal

13062 Simulation of maize (Zea mays L.) growth and yield under varying planting dates and nitrogen Levels in Los Baños, Philippines using CERES-Maize Model CERES-Maize calibration GLUE tops weight planting date nitrogen rate

Naing Moe


1065 Simulation of pollution by soil erosion and soil nutrient loss simulation model nutrient losses

Haith, D.A.; Tubbs, L.J.; Pickering, N.B.


14908 Simulation of soil water and heat transfer under subsurface irrigation considering spatial differences in soil hydraulic properties soil water distribution; hydraulic conductivity; soil water retention; water conservation

Hamada, Kosuke; Shinogi, Yoshiyuki; Taniguchi, Tomoyuki; Mochizuki, Hidetoshi; Takemura, Takeshi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3623 Simultaneous measurement of ABA, IAA and GAs in citrus citrus,


serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3595 Simultaneous measurement of ABA, IAA and GAs in citrus - role of ABA in relation to sink ability Citrus fruit, Measurement,

Kiyohide Kojima

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9810 Singapore Global Dialogue. Singapore global dialogue RSIS cd

9510 Singapore National Bibliography 2010. Singapore national bibliography national library board bibliographic information and database publications catalogue social and cultural heritage cd