List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
357 Social consequences of the financial crisis in Asia: the deeper crisis. social impact prices poverty education family planning environment income

Knowles, J.C.; Pernia, E.M.; Racelis, M. (eds.)

book adb edrc briefing notes number 18

10437 Social dimensions of climate change: Equity and vulnerability in a warming world. social ecology social change climatic changes climate policy migration gender poverty indigenous knowledge social policies

Mearns, Robin; Norton, Andrew (eds.)


10507 Social dimensions of education. education intercultural communication multiculturalism social institutions gender globalization sustainable development peace education gender stereotyping religion information and communication technology computers

Vega, Violeta A.; Prieto, Nelia G.; Carreon, Myrna L.


8337 Social enterprise pathways as a tool in achieving the Triple Bottom Line : The case of Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) Business in Development (BiD) Participants. The case of Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) Business in Development (BiD) Participants. social enterprise, sustainability, triple bottom-line perspective,

Geges, Dhino B.

serials journal of human ecology

13113 Social enterprise: Work that uplifts human life human development; worker cooperatives; entrepreneurship; women; family enterprises; garments industry; biofuels; agribusiness; food security; rural poverty; socialized housing; green buildings; social enterprise; social innovation; education; training book

14822 Social forestry education in ASEAN: An assessment of current practices and recommendations for the future social forestry education; competencies; ASEAN

Hayward, Daniel; Sapkota, Lok Mani


1144 Social forestry in land development social forestry land development upland

Sajise, Percy E.


15769 Social forestry in the ASEAN Region: Gaps and strategic interventions social forestry; ASEAN

Ramirez, Mark Anthony M.; Lecciones, Amy M.; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey B.


2019 Social forestry: The many benefits we get from fast-growing tree species. agroforestry fast-growing trees uses planting tree seedling kakawate bagras gmelina ipil-ipil acacia agoho falcata Acacia amarilla calliandra eucalyptus kadios cassia book

5209 Social impact assessment of rice hull-burning and stale-seedbed technique of IPM-CRSP [Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Prog] health problems, Krawetz SIA Model, rice hull-burning, social impact, technology, stale-seedbed technique, weed control,

Roguel, S.M.

serials philippine journal of crop science