ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1144 | Social forestry in land development | social forestry land development upland | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
15769 | Social forestry in the ASEAN Region: Gaps and strategic interventions | social forestry; ASEAN | Ramirez, Mark Anthony M.; Lecciones, Amy M.; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey B. |
book |
2019 | Social forestry: The many benefits we get from fast-growing tree species. | agroforestry fast-growing trees uses planting tree seedling kakawate bagras gmelina ipil-ipil acacia agoho falcata Acacia amarilla calliandra eucalyptus kadios cassia | book |
5209 | Social impact assessment of rice hull-burning and stale-seedbed technique of IPM-CRSP [Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Prog] | health problems, Krawetz SIA Model, rice hull-burning, social impact, technology, stale-seedbed technique, weed control, | Roguel, S.M. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
12441 | Social integration in cattle farmer groups in Banjarnegara District, Indonesia. | farmers organization rural development social integration organizational development cattle farmers socio-economic profile socio-psychological profile Indonesia | Mochamad Sugiarto |
theses |
10022 | Social issues in technology: A format for investigation. | technology capitalism cultural impetus motivation modelling simulation gaming systems analysis television | Alcorn, Paul A. |
purch |
10277 | Social issues. | development culture society social organizations cultural values Filipino family family planning human sexuality agrarian reform cooperative movement drug and alcoholism education | Salcedo, Lucila L.; Peralta, Ana Maria R.; Ronquillio, Adelaida A.; Espiritu, Socorro C.; Lejano, Raul P. |
purch |
9039 | Social learning inside and outside transition projects: Playing free jazz for a heavy metal audience. | social learning, innovation experiments, | Beers, Pieter J. |
serials | njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences |
9038 | Social learning towards sustainability: Problematic, perspective and promise. | transdisciplinarity, social learning, natural resource management, hybrid learning, | Wals, Arjen E.J. |
serials | journal of rural development |
9040 | Social learning, natural resource management, and participatory activities: A reflection on construct development and testing. | social learning, natural resource management, participatory approaches, adult learning, | Romina, Rodela |
serials | njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences |