List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1144 Social forestry in land development social forestry land development upland

Sajise, Percy E.


15769 Social forestry in the ASEAN Region: Gaps and strategic interventions social forestry; ASEAN

Ramirez, Mark Anthony M.; Lecciones, Amy M.; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey B.


2019 Social forestry: The many benefits we get from fast-growing tree species. agroforestry fast-growing trees uses planting tree seedling kakawate bagras gmelina ipil-ipil acacia agoho falcata Acacia amarilla calliandra eucalyptus kadios cassia book

5209 Social impact assessment of rice hull-burning and stale-seedbed technique of IPM-CRSP [Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Prog] health problems, Krawetz SIA Model, rice hull-burning, social impact, technology, stale-seedbed technique, weed control,

Roguel, S.M.

serials philippine journal of crop science

12441 Social integration in cattle farmer groups in Banjarnegara District, Indonesia. farmers organization rural development social integration organizational development cattle farmers socio-economic profile socio-psychological profile Indonesia

Mochamad Sugiarto


10022 Social issues in technology: A format for investigation. technology capitalism cultural impetus motivation modelling simulation gaming systems analysis television

Alcorn, Paul A.


10277 Social issues. development culture society social organizations cultural values Filipino family family planning human sexuality agrarian reform cooperative movement drug and alcoholism education

Salcedo, Lucila L.; Peralta, Ana Maria R.; Ronquillio, Adelaida A.; Espiritu, Socorro C.; Lejano, Raul P.


9039 Social learning inside and outside transition projects: Playing free jazz for a heavy metal audience. social learning, innovation experiments,

Beers, Pieter J.

serials njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences

9038 Social learning towards sustainability: Problematic, perspective and promise. transdisciplinarity, social learning, natural resource management, hybrid learning,

Wals, Arjen E.J.

serials journal of rural development

9040 Social learning, natural resource management, and participatory activities: A reflection on construct development and testing. social learning, natural resource management, participatory approaches, adult learning,

Romina, Rodela

serials njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences