List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4931 Sinkamas production guide. Plant production : Crop husbandry, Pachyrrizus erosus, land preparation, planting, cultivation, flower removal, fertilization, harvesting, seed production, crop protection, uses, seed storage, serials agriculture

13813 Sinta breeder gives free mentoring sinta papaya; farmer

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3620 Site environments and stand structure of the mangrove forests on Pohnpei island, Micronesia Forest products, Mangroves, Micronesia, Rhizophora,

Fujimoto, K.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

1846 Site management and productivity in tropical plantation forests : Workshop proceedings, 16-20 February 1998, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Eucalyptus Acacia mangium pine Chinese fir plantations site management nutrient cycling

Nambiar, E.K.S.; Cossalter, C.; Tiarks, A. (eds.)


5171 Site-specific management of rice fertilizers based on GIS soil information. Geographic Information Systems, nutrient management, soil information, Taiwan,

Mu-Lien Lin

serials fftc extension bulletin 513

3032 Six-legged livestock: Edible insects farming, collecting, and marketing in Thailand. insects Thailand cricket palm weevil larvae weaver ants edible insect consumption farmed edible insects wild-harvested edible insects edible insect markets imported insect products book

3338 Size of first maturity of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in Ghanaian waters and suggestions for appropriate mesh size in fishery fisheries,

Koranteng, K.A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

7520 Sizes Analysis of Solar Air Heater for Grain Drying. solar, air heater, solar drying,

Sudsaisin Kaewrueng

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3796 Skill development of food technology students in selected universities of Metro Manila: Problems and solutions. skill development, students,

Benedicto, Adoracion J.

serials araneta research journal

13692 SL Agritech ignites new hope for Marawi through farming farming; hybrid rice; rehabilitation; Marawi serials agriculture magazine