List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13641 Social media handbook for agricultural development practitioners agriculture; social media

Andres, Dustin; Woodard, Josh


13006 Social media marketing all-in-one for dummies social media, marketing platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchatting, visual, video

Zimmerman, Jan; Ng, Deborah


15973 Social network analysis of selected community-based forest management (CBFM) projects in the Philippines community-based forest management; CBFM; Philippines serials learning notes asrf series 2017-9

12625 Social participation in selected farmer water user communities in Banan District, Battambang province, Cambodia. social participation irrigation water access farmers

Thin Phirun


3010 Social protection and climate resilience. climate change adaptation; social protection; resilience; disaster risk reduction; livestock; knowledge exchange; women empowerment book

2948 Social protection for food security. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. food security vulnerability human rights social protection Zoning ordinance cross-cutting implementation book

1568 Social protection strategy. social protection social risks staffing development agencies book

10430 Social psychology. social thinking social influence social relations self-esteem self-presentation social beliefs behavior attitudes cultural diversity gender conformity obedience persuasion group influence prejudice aggression attraction intimacy conflict peacemaking

Myers, David G.


10170 Social research: A deductive approach. research methods sampling design data collection processing data statistical treatment data analysis hypothesis conceptual framework

Reyes, Milagros Z.


7103 Social return on investment ups value of agribusinesses. social return of investment annual income investment rice farmers PhilRice serials agriculture magazine