ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15242 | Smart agrochemicals for sustainable agriculture | agrochemicals; sustainable agriculture; circular economy; smart fertilizers; smart feed additives; fertilization; granualtion; fertilizer application; crop bioprotection; nanoparticles; bio-based products; probiotics; prebiotics; synbiotics; phytobiotics; microelements; sorbents; biostimulants; biopesticides | Chojnacka, Katarzyna; Saeid, Agnieszka (Eds.) |
purch |
13311 | Smart choices | rice; amylose; diabetes | Frediles, Christina A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13421 | Smart farm program launched | farmer training program; Smart Farm; farm management practices; corn planting technologies | serials | agriculture magazine |
16421 | Smart farming: DENSO Philippines shows the way in high-value crops production | hydroponics; melons; pollination; internet of things; technology; dousing system | Sarondo, Benjamin |
serials | agriculture magazine |
16604 | Smart greenhouses as the path towards precision agriculture in the food-energy and water nexus: case study of Qatar | greenhouse technology; controlled environment agriculture; precision agriculture; sustainable development; food security; FEW nexus | Karanisa, Theodora; Achour, Yasmine; Ouammi, Ahmed; Sayadi, Sami |
weblinks | environment systems and decisions |
4918 | Smart ingredient in fabric made from corn. | Propanediol : Biotechnology, corn, fermentation process, DuPont, cost and return analysis, | serials | agriculture |
8988 | Smart money-making tips in farming. | farming, marketing, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14981 | Smart seeds for an efficient and sustainable food system in the Philippines | climate change; agriculture; food security; seeds; food systems; consumption patterns; climate risk; climate-smart food security; Philippines | Baruah, Sampriti; Mohanty, Samarendu |
weblinks |
10463 | Smart solutions to climate change: Comparing costs and benefits. | climate change climate engineering carbon dioxide mitigation forestry carbon sequestration black carbon mitigation methane mitigation technology transfer adaptation policy | Lomborg, Bjorn (ed.) |
purch |
13278 | Smart strategy in rabbits as agribusiness | rabbit raising; meat; market | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |