ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1568 | Social protection strategy. | social protection social risks staffing development agencies | book |
10430 | Social psychology. | social thinking social influence social relations self-esteem self-presentation social beliefs behavior attitudes cultural diversity gender conformity obedience persuasion group influence prejudice aggression attraction intimacy conflict peacemaking | Myers, David G. |
purch |
10170 | Social research: A deductive approach. | research methods sampling design data collection processing data statistical treatment data analysis hypothesis conceptual framework | Reyes, Milagros Z. |
purch |
7103 | Social return on investment ups value of agribusinesses. | social return of investment annual income investment rice farmers PhilRice | serials | agriculture magazine |
1447 | Social science for Filipinos. | social science man society justice charity property land work wages unions nationalism education youth women church revolution state Philippines | Salgado, Pedro V. |
book |
580 | Social science research for agricultural technology development: spatial and temporal dimensions | sweet potato production systems spatial distribution geographic information systems livestock disease control farmers organization technological change information systems agroecological zones agricultural intensification small ruminant wheat cereal breeding | Dvorak, Karen Ann (ed.) |
book |
2653 | Social transformation through environmental program for effective waste management (Modules 1-5). | waste management collaboration linkages advocacy governance laws | book |
12702 | Social vulnerability and willingness to pay for adaptation to climate change and variability of farming households in Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines. | sensitivity household farming socio-economic | Defiesta, Gay Dime |
theses |
14708 | Social-ecological resilience of smallholder farmers for organic rice production in Chiang Mai Province | social-ecological resilience; smallholder farmers; organic rice production; Thailand | Chaiteera Panpakdee |
theses |
2640 | Socially sensitive enterprise restructuring in Asia: Country context and examples. | enterprise restructuring downsizing globalization economic liberalization outsourcing | Rogovsky, Nikolai; Schuler, Randall S. (eds.) |
book |