List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12219 Some ecological studies and economic injury levels of the leafhopper (Idioscopus clypealis (Leth.)) on mango (Mangifera indica (L.)). entomology economic injury leafhopper Idioscopus clypealis mango Mangifera indica entomology

Corey, Frederick M. Jr.


11889 Some ecological studies on Hopea odorata Roxb. and Hopea pubescens Ridl. seedlings forestry Dipterocarpaceae Hopea odorata Hopea pubescens seed storage germination seedlings trees light intensity

Saysamone Phothisat


11965 Some economic factors affecting income of farmers in Nueva Ecija, a land reform area agricultural economics farmers income land reform Nueva Ecija Philippines

Ramos, Erlinda M.


6612 Some effects on datum temperature for maturity application on fly ash concrete. datum temperature maturity fly ash concrete

Suvimol Sujjavanich; Warakorn Mairiang; Suppachai Sinthavorn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4576 Some endangered forest trees as defined in the 1980 International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red Data Book Guide. endangered species, tree species, botanical description, distribution, uses, site requirements, propagation, Agathis philippinensis, Serialbizia acle, Areca ipot, Dracontomelon dao, Toona kalantas, Dracontomelon edule, Wrightea lanite, Calamus merrillii, Tectona philippinensis, Cinnamomum mindanaense, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

4580 Some energy producing tree species energy sources, tree species, botanical description, distribution, adaptation, propagation, bioactive constituents, uses, seed technology, planting stock production, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

11626 Some erosion parameters in a grassland cover at selected slope degrees and lengths. erosion soil loss grassland runoff Philippines

Salvador, Luzon T.


3840 Some hyperparasitoids of Opisina arenosella Walker, the black-headed caterpillar pest of coconut. Coconut, Opisina arenosella : Pests of plants, parasitoids, Pediobius imbreus, Elasmus nephantidis, Meteoridea hutsoni, Brachymeria nephantidis, Eurytoma braconidis, Aphanogmus manilae,

Ghosh, S.M.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

8203 Some imperatives and challenges for rice biotechnology in Asian national agricultural research and extension. rice, productivity, production, biotechnology, molecular markers, transgenic technologies, communication,

RedoƱa, Edilberto D.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

4578 Some important Philippine forest trees named before the turn of the twentieth century. forest trees, botanical description, distribution, uses,

Florido, H.B.

serials rise: research information series on ecosystems