ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4485 | Soil degradation in the coastal lowlands of Southeast Asia. | acid sulfate soils, degradation, mangrove, swamp forest, tropical peat, | Kyuma, Kazutake |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 537 |
1140 | Soil erosion and soil conservation in the Philippines: Some traditional and modern practices | Philippines soil erosion soil conservation Imperata Ikalahans cropping practices stone walls terracing | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
3554 | Soil erosion in fields with volcanic ash soil in Handa Kogen and methods of control | Volcanic soils, Ashes, Erosion, Soil types, Soil erosion, | Yasunori Iwamoto |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
8300 | Soil erosion measurement and control techniques. | soil erosion, erosion control technique, sloping uplands, sandy loam, water quality, pollution, | Choi, Joongdae |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 568 |
13740 | Soil fertility improvement with indigenous resources in lowland rice ecologies in Ghana | soil fertility; lowland rice production system; lowland rice cultivation; poultry; seed; fertilizer; organic matter; rice straw application; poultry manure; phosphate rock; indigenous knowledge; biochar application; animal manure | book | jircas working report no.86 |
2506 | Soil fertility in sweetpotato-based cropping systems in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. | sweetpotato cultivation genetics diseases soil management soil conservation tillage management practices soil structural properties soil fertility management Papua New Guinea | Kirchhof, Gunnar (ed.) |
book | aciar technical reports no. 71 |
5215 | Soil fertility limitations of Ifugao rice terraces. | rice terrraces, nutrient deficiency, soil analysis, soil fertility, MOET, Ifugao, Philippines, | Sigari, T.A. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
5473 | Soil is the foundation. | microbial management, crop rotation, legumes, intercropping, composting, anaerobic composting, vermicomposting, green fertilizers, mulching, cover cropping, | Mikkelson, K. |
serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
4030 | Soil loss estimation on a local scale for soil conservation planning. | agricultural engineering, geographical information system, USLE, soil loss, | Takahiro Shiono |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
13461 | Soil management strategies to increase vegetable productivity | soil management; vegetable production; productivity | Nguyen, Ma. Nova R. |
serials | agriculture magazine |