List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4485 Soil degradation in the coastal lowlands of Southeast Asia. acid sulfate soils, degradation, mangrove, swamp forest, tropical peat,

Kyuma, Kazutake

serials fftc extension bulletin 537

1140 Soil erosion and soil conservation in the Philippines: Some traditional and modern practices Philippines soil erosion soil conservation Imperata Ikalahans cropping practices stone walls terracing

Sajise, Percy E.


3554 Soil erosion in fields with volcanic ash soil in Handa Kogen and methods of control Volcanic soils, Ashes, Erosion, Soil types, Soil erosion,

Yasunori Iwamoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8300 Soil erosion measurement and control techniques. soil erosion, erosion control technique, sloping uplands, sandy loam, water quality, pollution,

Choi, Joongdae

serials fftc extension bulletin 568

13740 Soil fertility improvement with indigenous resources in lowland rice ecologies in Ghana soil fertility; lowland rice production system; lowland rice cultivation; poultry; seed; fertilizer; organic matter; rice straw application; poultry manure; phosphate rock; indigenous knowledge; biochar application; animal manure book jircas working report no.86

2506 Soil fertility in sweetpotato-based cropping systems in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. sweetpotato cultivation genetics diseases soil management soil conservation tillage management practices soil structural properties soil fertility management Papua New Guinea

Kirchhof, Gunnar (ed.)

book aciar technical reports no. 71

5215 Soil fertility limitations of Ifugao rice terraces. rice terrraces, nutrient deficiency, soil analysis, soil fertility, MOET, Ifugao, Philippines,

Sigari, T.A.

serials philippine journal of crop science

5473 Soil is the foundation. microbial management, crop rotation, legumes, intercropping, composting, anaerobic composting, vermicomposting, green fertilizers, mulching, cover cropping,

Mikkelson, K.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

4030 Soil loss estimation on a local scale for soil conservation planning. agricultural engineering, geographical information system, USLE, soil loss,

Takahiro Shiono

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

13461 Soil management strategies to increase vegetable productivity soil management; vegetable production; productivity

Nguyen, Ma. Nova R.

serials agriculture magazine