List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9395 Sorjan cropping system can be adopted in the Philippines. Sorjan, PhilRice, Intensified Rice-Based AgriBioSystems Program, rainwater harvesting,

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

3008 Sorsogon City strategy for climate change resilience 2010-2011. climate change; adaptation; mitigation; disaster risk reduction book

11115 Sorting out the facts about fat. fatty acid carbohydrates protein triglyceride cholesterol hydrogenation trans fats omega-3 omega-6 biotech ific review

368 Sotto of the 9th Congress [Accomplishment Report of Senator Vicente C. Sotto III]. Philippines resolutions bills book

6999 Sound coastal management pays off in Bais Bay. mangrove reforestation rabbitfish danggit fish oyster Bais Bay Negros Oriental

Guerrero, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

2474 Sourcebook on agroforestry technology: For LGUs, people's organizations (POs), community organizers (COs) and technology-transfer workers. agroforestry intercropping system farming practices organic fertilizer composting mycorrhizal inoculation integrated pest management biological control biotechnology chemical control cultural control pests and diseases forest tree diseases Sloping Agricultural Land Technology Simple Agro-Livestock Technology Sustainable Agroforest Land Technology Small Agrofruit Livelihood Technology book

2386 Sourcebook on community resource management for sustainable development. community resource management training programs training methods rural development sustainable development community participation ecosystems coastal resource management agroecosystems analysis waste management natural resource management rapid rural appraisal book

2461 Sourcebook on soil and water conservation: For LGUs, people's organizations (POs), community organizers (COs) and technology-transfer workers. soil fertility conservation soil erosion water management natural hazards watershed degradation deforestation fertilizer application crop rotation check dams ditches book

16215 Sources of growth and instability in agricultural production in Western Odisha, India agricultural instability; yield decomposition; drought; Western Odisha

Swain, Mrutyunjay

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

841 South Pacific indigenous nuts Nut crops Macadamia nuts Marketing Processing Pili nuts Solomon Islands Okari nuts Canarium Papua New Guinea

Stevens, M.L.; Bourke, R.M.; Evans, B.R. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.69