List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8735 Some new technologies in rubber farming. rubber, latex, timber, clone,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

5690 Some observations on the performance of Nam Dok Mai mango mango, carabao mango, immaturity period, potassium nitrate, fruits, anthracnose, pruning,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture

13525 Some people prefer renting a farm farm; renting

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8749 Some pointers in growing ashitaba. ashitaba, herbs,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4472 Some pointers on growing the Red Palm. Red Palms, ornamental plants, propagation, seeds, suckers, serials agriculture

4184 Some practical tips on mass producing clones of fruit trees. plant production, fruit trees, scions, grafting, nodal grafting, inarching, plant propagation,

Pamplona, P.P.

serials agriculture

12380 Some problems in the implementation of decree No. 35 on forest management : A case study in the forest concession area of Gat, Kampong Thum Province, Cambodia. A case study in the forest concession area of Gat, Kampong Thum Province, Cambodia. tropical forestry forest management

Divan Nong


11941 Some socio-economic changes among farmers in the UPLB/SEARCA Social Laboratory, Pila, Laguna, Philippines extension education farmers Social Laboratory Pila Philippines

Anievas, Teodulo C.


11595 Some socio-economic determinants of the nutritional status of preschool children in five rural barangays of Batangas and Laguna. socio-economic nutritional status preschool children rural barangays Batangas Laguna Philippines

Araño, Rosemarie G.


1117 Some soil biological processes in traditional agriculture soil biology soil nutrients

Sajise, Percy E.; Cuevas, Virginia C.
