List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11675 Spatial variability analysis of some soil properties using geostatistical techniques. spatial variability analysis soil properties geostatistical techniques Indonesia

Martinus H. Pandutama


14804 Spatial variability and geostatistical mapping of selected soil properties in Mt. Wakakusa grassland of Japan soil properties; ordinary kriging; prescribed burning; semivariogram; spatial dependency

Kamarudin, Khairun N.; Tomita, Mayu; Kondo, Keiko; Abe, Susumu S.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6885 Spatial variability of salts in kamphaeng saen soil series. spatial variability kriging EC SAR

Suntaree Yingjajaval

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

13779 Spatial variation in surface soil total carbon and its relationship with soil color in a river floodplain ecosystem of Northern Ghana total carbon; spatial variation; soil color; microtopography; Africa

Keisuke Katsura; Takenori Watanabe; Naoki Moritsuka; Yasuhiro Tsujimoto; Baba Inusah; Wilson Dogbe; Masato Oda

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15677 Spatial variations in soil properties, soil productivity, and crop yield in selected corn producing provinces in Cagayan Valley Region, Philippines soil properties; soil productivity; crop yield; corn production; soil organic carbon; soil health; soil governance; Isabela; Cagayan; Quirino; Philippines

Bautista, Karen S.


14104 Spatial variations in the stable isotopic compositions of surface and groundwaters across Central Sri Lanka agricultural engineering; isotopic fractionation; evaporation; altitude effect; lake waters; stream waters; surface water; hydrological cycle; Sri Lanka

Takeo Tsuchihara; Shuhei Yoshimoto; Katsushi Shirahata; Satoshi Ishida; Hiroki Minakawa; Susumu Miyazuki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7911 Spatially differentiated examination of biodiversity in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) on national scale exemplified by biofuels. biodiversity, land use, geographic information system, environmental planning, biofuels, methodology, spatial indicators, agricultural products,

Urban, Barbara

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

15651 Spatially-explicit footprints of agricultural commodities: Mapping carbon emissions embodied in Brazil's soy exports carbon footprint; deforestation; greenhouse gas; international trade; life cycle assessment; supply chain

Escobar, Neus; Tizado, Jorge; zu Ermgassen, Erasmus K.H.J.; Lofgren, Pernilla; Borner, Jan; Godar, Javier


8730 Spawn to spoon. mushrooms, serials agriculture magazine

4525 Spawning and hatching performance of the silvery black porgy Sparidentex hasta under hypersaline conditions. Sparidentex hasta, spawning, hatching, fishes,

Yousif, O.M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly