ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11675 | Spatial variability analysis of some soil properties using geostatistical techniques. | spatial variability analysis soil properties geostatistical techniques Indonesia | Martinus H. Pandutama |
theses |
14804 | Spatial variability and geostatistical mapping of selected soil properties in Mt. Wakakusa grassland of Japan | soil properties; ordinary kriging; prescribed burning; semivariogram; spatial dependency | Kamarudin, Khairun N.; Tomita, Mayu; Kondo, Keiko; Abe, Susumu S. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6885 | Spatial variability of salts in kamphaeng saen soil series. | spatial variability kriging EC SAR | Suntaree Yingjajaval |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13779 | Spatial variation in surface soil total carbon and its relationship with soil color in a river floodplain ecosystem of Northern Ghana | total carbon; spatial variation; soil color; microtopography; Africa | Keisuke Katsura; Takenori Watanabe; Naoki Moritsuka; Yasuhiro Tsujimoto; Baba Inusah; Wilson Dogbe; Masato Oda |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
15677 | Spatial variations in soil properties, soil productivity, and crop yield in selected corn producing provinces in Cagayan Valley Region, Philippines | soil properties; soil productivity; crop yield; corn production; soil organic carbon; soil health; soil governance; Isabela; Cagayan; Quirino; Philippines | Bautista, Karen S. |
theses |
14104 | Spatial variations in the stable isotopic compositions of surface and groundwaters across Central Sri Lanka | agricultural engineering; isotopic fractionation; evaporation; altitude effect; lake waters; stream waters; surface water; hydrological cycle; Sri Lanka | Takeo Tsuchihara; Shuhei Yoshimoto; Katsushi Shirahata; Satoshi Ishida; Hiroki Minakawa; Susumu Miyazuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
7911 | Spatially differentiated examination of biodiversity in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) on national scale exemplified by biofuels. | biodiversity, land use, geographic information system, environmental planning, biofuels, methodology, spatial indicators, agricultural products, | Urban, Barbara |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
15651 | Spatially-explicit footprints of agricultural commodities: Mapping carbon emissions embodied in Brazil's soy exports | carbon footprint; deforestation; greenhouse gas; international trade; life cycle assessment; supply chain | Escobar, Neus; Tizado, Jorge; zu Ermgassen, Erasmus K.H.J.; Lofgren, Pernilla; Borner, Jan; Godar, Javier |
weblinks |
8730 | Spawn to spoon. | mushrooms, | serials | agriculture magazine |
4525 | Spawning and hatching performance of the silvery black porgy Sparidentex hasta under hypersaline conditions. | Sparidentex hasta, spawning, hatching, fishes, | Yousif, O.M. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |