ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16689 | Spearheading Vietnam’s green agricultural transformation: Moving to low-carbon rice | green growth; agriculture; low carbon rice; irrigation systems; fertilization rate reduction; alternate wetting and drying; rice production; greenhouse gas emissions; low carbon transition; green rice production; Vietnam | weblinks |
161 | Special and differential treatments of developing countries in the Uruguay round agricultural negotiations | agricultural policies liberalization GATT trade policies employment | Clarete, Ramon L. |
book | rtpap working paper no.90-01 |
3804 | Special charcoal and vinegar: new industrial products from bamboo. | Bamboo, vinegar, charcoal, | Atienza, Vella A. |
serials | agriculture |
2143 | Special credit programs for the poorest: A study of Grameen Bank replication programs in the Philippines. | credit programs microfinance | Takayoshi Amenomori; Ursua, Maryline |
book |
9271 | Special durian must be protected, multiplied. | durian, grafting, scions, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8522 | Special fertilizer doubles sugarcane yield. | sugarcane, fertilizer, yield, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
16255 | Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) International Conference | agricultural growth; poverty reduction; agricultural development; food markets; biotechnology; climate change; environment; sustainable energy; renewable energy; market integration | serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16268 | Special Issue: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) International Conference | economic transformation; agricultural development; food security; climate change; biofuel development; agricultural and rural development; agrifood markets; market integration; rural transformation | serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16205 | Special Issue: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) International Conference | abstracts of contributed papers; organized session | serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
9813 | Species 2000 and ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist. | species genera viruses phyla species synonyms | cd |