ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2505 | Spiny lobster aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region : Proceedings of an international symposium held at Nha Trang, Vietnam, 9-10 December 2008. | lobster seacage culture Panulirus ornatus aquaculture stocking density Perna virdis nutritional requirements feeds Vietnam Indonesia | Williams, Kevin C. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 132 |
2012 | Spiny lobster ecology and exploitation in the South China Sea region : Proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, July 2004. | lobster aquaculture cage culture stock assessment larval dispersal mussel Panulirus ornatus Philippines Malaysia Vietnam | Williams, K.C. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 120 |
6173 | Spiraling inorganic fertilizer cost favors farmers' use of Durabloom. | fertilizers price Mindanao | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5969 | Spitfire: Guaranteed cash-crop eggplant. | eggplant varieties pest and disease resistant | serials | agriculture magazine |
14643 | Spore production and growth rate of ten azolla hybrids | azolla; biofertilizer; rice cropping pattern; azolla spore; azolla spore technology | Mondejar, Cielo Luz C.; San Valentin, Genaro O. |
serials | rice-based biosystems journal |
432 | Spore- and seed-bearing plants of Mount Pulag, Benguet, Philippines | mountain plants Philippines | Aguilar, N.O.; Cardenas, L.B.; Cajano, M.A.O. |
book |
11127 | Spotlight on fructose: Reprinted from Food Insight, Jan/Feb 1995. | diabetes sucrose fructose high-fructose syrup : HFS saccharin | biotech |
5066 | Spotted Sea Horse (Hippocampus kuda). | seahorses, | Reyes, C. |
serials | asean biodiversity |
12418 | Spray-drying of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten). | food science tomato spray drying tomato powder tomato juice puree chemical properties antioxidants microbial stability | Rustia, Jessica M. |
theses |
1414 | Spread of IPM-FFS knowledge : Lessons learned from rice farming communities. | Integrated pest management farmer field school | Rola, A.C.; Quizon, J.; Jamias, S.B.; Paunlagui, M.M.; Provido, Z.S. |
book | working paper no. 00-07 |