List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4592 Storage and forest tree seed species and asexual tree propagation methods. forest trees, seeds, storage, pretreatment, planting medium, asexual propagation, cuttings, grafting, budding, layering, runners, suckers, micropropagation, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

5211 Storage duration, growth and yield of shallot. bulblets, bulb storage, dibble, income, mortality, mulching, multiplier onion, plant characters, return on investment, storage, yield, yield components, Nueva Vizcaya,

Comadug, V.S.

serials philippine journal of crop science

6798 Storage of durians on a semi-commercial scale. durian storage postharvest disease

Teeranud Romphophak; Jaroen Kunprom; Jingtair Siriphanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11609 Storage of paddy rice in bamboo-cement silo. agricultural engineering paddy rice bamboo cement silo Indonesia

Mochammad Maksum


6674 Storage potential of three different types of in-shell peanut seeds under ambient and cold room conditions. storage potential peanut seed seed quality seed vigor

Aung Kyaw Phyo; Juangjun Duangpatra; Wanchai Chanprasert; Rungsarid Kaveeta

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8937 Storage stability study on rubber (Hevea brasiliensis (HBK.) Muell. Arg.] seed oil. rubber seed oil, iodine, peroxide, storage,

Lapuz, Rebecca B.

serials forest products research development institute

2120 Stored rice insect pests and their natural enemies in Thailand. rice disease pests Coleoptera Lepidoptera Psocoptera Heteroptera parasitoids Hymenoptera morphological characteristics

Hayashi, T.; Nakamura, S.; Visarathanonth, P.; Uraichuen J.; Kengkanpanich, R. (eds.)


13130 Stories from the field: Women working towards a non-toxic environment organic farming; women; rural development; pesticides; non-tillage; integrated pest management; potatoes; community empowerment; agro-biodiversity; rice-fish farming; tobacco; organic vegetables; health; Laos; Vietnam; Cambodia; Thailand; China book

5469 Storing a precious germ. seed storage, drying, cold storage, airtight plastic enclosure,

De La Torre, J.J.M.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

8514 Storing rice seeds with saclob. rice, storage,

Biag, HHM. M.

serials agriculture magazine