List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16462 Stock assessment of the Blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) in stock enhancement sites of Danajon Bank, Central Philippines assessment; blue swimming crab; stock enhancement; Danajon Bank

Abrenica, Bruna T.; Fajardo, Mary Jane M.; Paran, Johnson S.; Ruinata, Mario N.; Espino, Marinelle S.; Poquita, Allan L.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

4492 Stock evaluation and development of a breeding program for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Karnataka, India: Progress of a research project. common carp, genetic improvement, stock evaluation,

Basavaraju, Y.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4415 Stomach ulcers in pigs. pigs, gastric ulcer, treatment, stress, infections, nutrition, fatty acid,

Landicho, E.F.

serials agriculture

6524 Stomatal size, stomatal frequency and pollen grain diameter as indirect method for identification of ploidy levels in cotton. cotton gossypium arboreum colchicine polyploidy stomatal size

Arunee Wongpiyasatid; Praparat Hormchan; Katarut Chusreeaeom; Ngamchuen Ratanadilok

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11038 Stopping march of science. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMO genetic engineering IPB National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory NCBP biotech editorial: malaya

4729 Stopping the coffee berry borer from boring into profits. Hypothenemus hampei, coffee berry borer, coffee beans, Beauveria bassiana, fungus, caffeine, Pichia burtonii, serials agriculture

4592 Storage and forest tree seed species and asexual tree propagation methods. forest trees, seeds, storage, pretreatment, planting medium, asexual propagation, cuttings, grafting, budding, layering, runners, suckers, micropropagation, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

5211 Storage duration, growth and yield of shallot. bulblets, bulb storage, dibble, income, mortality, mulching, multiplier onion, plant characters, return on investment, storage, yield, yield components, Nueva Vizcaya,

Comadug, V.S.

serials philippine journal of crop science

6798 Storage of durians on a semi-commercial scale. durian storage postharvest disease

Teeranud Romphophak; Jaroen Kunprom; Jingtair Siriphanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11609 Storage of paddy rice in bamboo-cement silo. agricultural engineering paddy rice bamboo cement silo Indonesia

Mochammad Maksum
