ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15629 | Strategic responses to emerging issues in social forestry: Experiences from selected ASEAN member states | social forestry; ecotourism; community-based forest management; non-timber forest products; forest policies; AMS; ASEAN | book |
12445 | Strategic solid waste management planning for Yangon City, Myanmar. | solid waste management municipal solid wastes waste generation waste treatment waste composition waste density collection vehicle public awareness waste treatment disposal | Seinn Lei Aye |
theses |
10549 | Strategic training for empowerment in the workplace: Principles and practices. | training education instructional methodologies evaluation and measurement learning research professionalism | Ortigas, Carmela D.; Aglipay, Maribel F.; Cortez, Maria Victoria T.; Perez, Josephine P. |
purch |
7084 | Strategic weed control in hybrid rice. | hybrid rice weed control land preparation water management herbicides | Nas, Mark |
serials | agriculture magazine |
1325 | Strategies and designs for afforestation, reforestation and tree planting : Proceedings of an international symposium on the occasion of 100 years of forestry education and research in the Netherlands, Wageningen, 19-23 Sept. 1983. | Proceedings of an international symposium on the occasion of 100 years of forestry education and research in the Netherlands, Wageningen, 19-23 Sept. 1983. | forestation land use community development biological diversity soil and water management | Wiersum, K.F. (ed.) |
book |
2877 | Strategies and options for increasing and sustaining fisheries and aquaculture production to benefit poorer households in Asia. | fisheries aquaculture policies capture fisheries processing and postharvest technologies support services fish farmers fishers traders supply and demand freshwater aquaculture brackishwater and marine aquaculture marine capture fisheries inland capture fisheries | Dey, Madan M.; et al. |
book |
9816 | Strategies and Options for Increasing and Sustaining Fisheries and Aquaculture Production to Benefit Poorer Households in Asia. | world fish aquaculture fisheries solutions poorer households | cd |
11237 | Strategies and recommendations to build public acceptance. | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs genetically engineered foods | Traynor, Patricia |
biotech |
16103 | Strategies for attaining sustainability and resilience in watersheds | sustainability; watershed; climate change; resilient; ecosystems | Cruz, Rex Victor O. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2014-3 |
4558 | Strategies for controlling the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) in Japanese direct-sown paddy fields. | plant protection, golden apple snail, rice, direct seeding, chemical control, biological control, crop rotation, mechanical control, | Takashi Wada |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |