List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5267 Structure of titanium nitride coatings on stainless steel 304. microstructure, thin films, X-ray diffraction,

Limsuwan, P.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7489 Structure Quality and Surface Coating in Mangosteens with Normal and Damaged Peel. mangosteen, postharvest handling, quality, anatomy,

Supa Phongsopa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3860 Structured lipid of coconut and corn oils vs. soybean oil in the rehabilitation of malnourished children : A field study. A field study. Coconut oil, lipids, corn oil, feeding program, malnutrition,

Intengan, Carmen Ll.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

6884 Structures of common palm civet blood cells and platelets studied by light microscope. blood cells common palm civet light microscopic structures

Somphop Navephap; Suppalak Romratanapan; Kanchalee Jongragwit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5672 Sts. Peter and Paul Multi-Purpose Co-op - Hinunangan's pride. cooperative loans awards

Aldaba, Arnold O.

serials agriculture magazine

5984 Stubborn farmer becomes advocate of new farm technology. farm technology Palayamanan seedling production

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

8999 Student from mini company to sell novel organic fertilizer. fertilizer, organic, pulverized fruits, alkaline water, nanotechnology, serials agriculture magazine

15384 Student perceptions regarding the sudden transition to lab-based online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Online versus offline pandemic-related; online class; student satisfaction; COVID-19; instrument-based learning

Nakpan, W.; Prasertchai, A.; Bunjongsiri, K.; Sangaroon, P.; Laoraksawong, P.; Pradisthaprecha, A.; Jiratkulthana, S.

serials journal of southeast asian education

14150 Student's rabbit meat sideline becomes profitable business rabbit meat; rabbit raising; market

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

8160 Students' alternative frameworks: Towards a linguistic and cultural interpretation. frameworks, linguistic, cultural interpretation,

Lynch, Patrick P.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia