List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3449 Strategy on international fisheries research: an update serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

10063 Strategy planning matrices for the medium-term Philippine development plan 2004-2010. economic growth job creation energy social justice basic needs education youth anti-corruption governance trade agribusiness environment natural resources housing construction tourism infrastructure labor fiscal strength digital infrastructure science and technology foreign policy national security constitutional reforms purch

423 Stratification of tropical forest as seen in leaf structure leaves leaf morphology leaf structure families

Roth, I.

book tasks for vegetation science 6

6258 Straw compost cuts fertilizer cost. fertilizers rice straw composting

Maloles, Jennylene S.

serials agriculture magazine

6991 Strawberry farmers in Benguet assured of clean planting materials. strawberry tissue culture yield

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

9562 STREAM Publications November 2001 - June 2003 : Support to Regional Aquatic Resources Management. aquatic resources management livelihood institutions policy development communications poverty cd

5120 Strength and related properties of kamatog [Sympetalandra densiflora (Elmer) v. Steen] and kaatoan bangkal [Anthocephalus chinensis kamatog, kaatoan bangkal, strength properties, mechanical properties,

Alipon, Marina A.

serials fprdi journal

6642 Strength development of soft marine clay stabilized with cement and fly ash. soil improvement clay cement fly ash x-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) calcium silicate hydrate (CSH)

Supakij Nontananandh; Sanupong Boonyong; Thakol Yoobanpot; Korchoke Chantawarangul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

13665 Strengthening city disaster risk financing in Vietnam disaster risk financing; reconstruction; Asian Development Bank; Vietnam book

15434 Strengthening cooperative institutions to support sustainable livestock production in Mongolia cooperative institutions; sustainable livestock production; pastureland management; market integration; agriculture public services; community-based approach; formal marketing institutions; incentives; Mongolia

Kimura, Shingo; Sedik, David; Ayurzana, Enkh-Amgalan

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