ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14939 | Stephania erecta: A beginner's guide | Stephania erecta; potting; pests and diseases | Lastimosa, Amy |
serials | agriculture magazine |
741 | Sterility in wheat in subtropical Asia: extent, causes and solutions. | Sterility wheat boron fertilizers genetic variability | Rawson, H.M.; Subedi, K.D. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.72 |
10610 | Stern's introductory plant biology. | cells tissues roots stems leaves flowers seedw water plant metabolism meiosis molecular biology plant breeding biomes seed plants classification | Bidlack, James E.; Jansky, Shelley H. |
purch |
16468 | Still going bananas: The long road to recovery for the Philippine banana export industry | banana; exports; Fusarium wilt; resistant varieties; industry | Ocampo, Junep |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14265 | Stingless bees nurture | organic agriculture; agroforestry production; stingless bees; farms | Mostoles, Julie Amara J.; Mostoles, Maria Dulce J. |
book |
12327 | Stochastic modelling of Philippine weather data | statistics Climate weather rainfall temperature radiation simulation model disaggregation model stochastic modeling Philippines | Muhammad Nur Aidi |
theses |
11641 | Stochastic production function and estimating risk in rice production. | risks rice production Philippines | Mendoza, Maria Nimfa F. |
theses |
2352 | Stock assessment approach for the Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus, in Indonesia : A tool for quota-setting for data-poor fisheries under CITES appendix II non-detriment finding requirements. | Napoleon fish stock assessment catch level model | Sadovy, Yvonne; Punt, Andre E.; Cheung, William; Vasconcellos, Marcelo; Suharti, Sasanti; Mapstone, Bruce D. |
book | fao fisheries circular no. 1023 |
9702 | Stock Assessment Approach for the Napoleon Fish, Cheilinus Undulatus, in Indonesia. | napoleon fish (cheilinus undulatus) humphead wrasse fisheries stock assessment | cd |
3448 | Stock assessment of the anchovy Cetengraulis mysticetus (Pisces: Engraulidae) in the inner part of the Gulf of Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica | Tabash, F.A. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |